Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Grocery Products SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Dairies KIDDY QUIZ It only takes a milk bottle cap to be a member in good standing in the Kiddy Quiz aired over W^KXL, Concord, N. H., for Flander's Dairy, and the number of bottle caps have been steadily increasing ever since the program made its debut February 10. What keeps the membership list growing is the fact that all members in good standing are eligible for theatre tickets as a reward for correct answers to questions asked on this telephone quiz program for children. Names are picked at random from the list of Kiddy Quiz members, and simple questions which the small fry should be able to answer are the basis for the program format. Significant is the fact that Flander's Dairy directs 80 per cent of its advertising budget to radio. Two commercials beamed at the juvenile audience are used on each broadcast. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: February 10, 1947. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 5:30 5:45 p.m. Sponsor: Flander's Dairy. Station: WKXL, Concord, N. H. Power: 256 watts. Population: 27,171. COMMENT; J lie telephone quiz program lor children is a relatively new trend in programming which has proved to be generally successful for a wide variety of sponsors. It has definite possibilities for any sponsor with a product of interest to )ii\(nil('s. KEITH FRUIT EXPRESS W^ien KGKO listeneners hear the sound of a train whistle at 7:45 a.m., they know that it's time for the Keith Fruit Express, and those who climb aboard have a quarter-hour mixture of helpful household hints, styles, homely philosophy, topics of the day and tips on child care. Listener incentive which gives point and meaning to the household hints passed out on the program: a 40-pound basket of fruit and vegetables is awarded on each broadcast by the Ben E. Keith Co., fruit and vegetable wholesalers, to the listener sending in the best household hint. \Veekly mailpull: 35 to 50 letters. Designed to make the slogan, "Fresh from Keith's" a household motto, the program was launched over eight years ago in anticipation of pre-packaging of all fruits and vegetables. While the war and shortages of material put a crimp in the pre-packaging plan, Keith's has stuck with the program since December 1938 to promote fruits and vegetables in season. Result: while consumer has no way of distinguishing sponsor's products except by price-marker tags in grocery stores, purchasers now ask for Keith products by name. AIRFAX: Mikestress Gay Cooke handles the program, ties cotnmercials in witii the program content. First Broadcast: December, 1938. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 7:45-8.00 a.m. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Breakfast Club. Sponsor: Ben E. Keith Co. Station: KGKO, Forth Worth, Tex. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 177,662. COMMENT: Experience of this sponsor indicates the value of long-range planning on a consistent schedule. Give-away here serves a double interest in that it stimulates listener interest in program content ' and is also an excellent product reminder | for the sponsor. Hon' another advertiser in this same business field makes successful use of the broadcast medium is told in the March 1947 issue of RADIO \ SHOWMANSHIP, p. 97. 130 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP