Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Home Furnishings LITTLE RED BOOK For approxiiiiaLcly six years, the Bloch FiRNrruRi: Company, Racine, Wis., has written down in its Little Red Book the births of all children ])orn in Racine hospitals. The record is kept in connection with the firms Monday through Saturday radio series aired over AVRJN. A five-minute broadcast, the program includes the name and address of each of the parents and the sex of the infant. As a tie-in, Block's writes a congratulatory letter to the parents to their home addresses. Each is offered a free baby book which is held for him at the sponsor's store. (Previously, the sponsor gave silver spoons to new babies, with the baby book featured only for the past year and a half.) Letters are signed by Block general manager, Max Grust, with one letter for boys and another for girls. In the case of twins, triplets, quadruplets or quintuplets, the occasion calls for a special letter. A one-minute commercial is given before the births are read, with opening and closing store credit lines. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 7:40 7:45 a.m. Preceded By: Wisconsin Weather. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Bloch Furniture Co. Station: WRJN, Racine, Wis. Power: 250 watts. Population: 67,195. COMMENT: No matter what the size ol the community, vilal statistics arc news and the smaller the (omimmity, the iiK>re vital they become. When incorporated into a radio series, it njakes lor a jjrogram with a broad, general iiitcrcsi and appeal. Jewelers CLUB 580 To attract teen-agers to tlieir stores, two Toronto, Ontario, retailers got together and took on portional sponsorship of all Saturday Club 580 meetings, each with a definite intent and j^urpose. In the case of Birks-Ellis-Rvrik. sponsorship of the CKEY 55-minute feature was to attract teen-agers to its costume jewelry and high school insignia department. What JoKN Nortkway & Son, Ltd. had in mind was to attract the teenage girl to its Nortkway junior fashion shop. Evidence that the combination of swing music, teen-age stunts, give-aways, picture souvenirs and other gimmicks make a hit with the high school crowd: a poll of Toronto high schools brought to light the fact that 76.1 per cent of the • (Left) ... On its way to a KGKO contest winner is a 40pound fruit and vegetable basket, with the blessings of announcer, Frank Mills; Keith advertising manager, Talmadge Wilson and emcee, Gay Cooke. APRIL, 1947 • 131 •