Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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students voted Club ^80 their tops show by a three-to-one preference. Two schools are featured weekly, with cheer leading teams from each, and a student representation for the studio broadcasts. Tickets are obtained from BiRKs' and Northway's, with the supply exhausted each Monday morning within an hour after the stores open. During the course of a year, the sponsors play host to over 100,000, with both adults and teen-agers registered. Short commercials, aboiu three to each half hour, play up a specific department or service offered by the sponsors. Sponsors alternate on first and second portions of the teen-age feattue and combine forces each week at the half-way point to pre sent a member of the studio audience with an automatic record play. Remainder of give-aways consists of appropriate store merchandise: school pins, rings, compacts and pen-knives from BirksEi.lis-Ryrie; sweaters, skirts, gloves and nylons from Northwavs. AIRFAX: Program format follows the week-day routines, with addition of a stunt section and appearance of a local celebrity. While the series is on the air Monday through Saturday, only the Saturday series is under the banners of Birks' and Northway's. Emcee on the record show is Joe Crysdale. Preceded By: Jerry Burke. tallowed By: Studio Party. Sponsor: Birks-Ellis-Ryrie; John Northway 8C Son, Ltd. Station: CKEY, Toronto, Ont. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 656,930. COMMENT: While sponsorship of an hour's program woidd be prohibitive in cost for most advertisers, portional sponsorshij) iiKikcs il j)()ssil)I(' to create a maxi mum impression at minimum cost. Where the businesses are related but not competitive, results should be that much more effective for both sponsors. Jewelers MUSICAL AWARDS For those who can sing, play a violin or a piano, the Edmonton, Alberta, branch of Henry Birks & Sons, jewelers, offers Musical Awards as a Sunday afternoon feature over CJCA for young musicians under the age of 21 years. Each broadcast features three competitors, with six prizes totalling $525 offered the contestants judged best in the 26-week series. Each contestant is heard in two selections. Applicants come from a 100-mile radius. Promotion for the series is beamed in three directions: an appeal to music teachers, parents and students, for entries; an appeal to the local audience for broadcast attendance, and an appeal to the general listening audience with timeand-station reminders. Included in the })romotional package are spot announcements, newspaper write-ups and advertisements in both local and rural newspapers and letters to music teachers. On all out-going CJCA mail is a tune-in reminder for Birks Musical Awards. AIRFAX: Background music, the introduction and signoff and the intermission all feature organ music by a local artist. First Broadcast: October 27, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 4:30-5:00 p.m. sponsor: Henry Birks & Sons. Station: CJCA, Edmonton, Alberta. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 112,400. COMMENT: A series of this kind must almost of necessity be institutional in nature, but the sponsor is certain to benefit in full measure in terms of good will. Certainly such a series must be put in the category of public service, and the very fad that it is sponsored makes it all the more effective as public service. As many wartime advertisers have found to their satisfaction, this institutional approadi also has a cash register value thai (an be (oincrted to dollars and cents. 32 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP