Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Drug Stores SHOWMANTIPS New program ideas briefly noted. Candies M^MONG us GIRLS When father and the hildren have gone their separate ways in the ayem, there's plenty of fun and frolic imong Us Girls in Lawrence, Mass. Each norning at 8:15 a.m., Eileen Kneeland ind Ada Bray hold forth over AVLAW on bod, fashion, other chit-chat dear to the 'eminine heart. Evidence that the show as a way with listeners are listener-sent terns which tie-in with topics in the spot »ight. Example: one listener sent in a )atch of letters, some of which were written in 1813, to revive memories of long, fong ago. Special promotions tie-in with lational events in the women's world. Example: during National Millinery Week, women were asked to send in an estimate of the amount of money the women of the country spent on hats in the last year. For the best guesstimate: a fountain pen. Series is broadcast three times weekly, with the Haviland Chocolate Company and the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the State Industrial and Development Connnission, as sponsors. Dairies STORK CLUB OF THE AIR To promote interest in Adohr Milk Farms, the dairy offers Stork Club of the Air, a KMPC program dedicated to newly arrived citizens of Los Angeles, Calif., and environs. Data presented by announcer Jerry Lawrence includes baby's name, birth date, weight, sisters and brothers, parents and father's occupation. Listeners are invited to send in the data on their own or their friends new arrivals. Commercials stress the health giving quality of Adohr milk for infants. APRIL, 1947 RENFRO REXALL SHOW W iu n KGKO, Koi I Worth, Tex. listeners tune-in tlic lirdi hour Rnifro Rexall Show at 7:00 a.m.. it's to get a dash of popular music , sports highlights, lime and weather. But what sets this musical clock show apart from the run-of-the-mill wake-up broadcast are its weather reports. With Tee Casper as emcee, weather is forecast by weather donkey, Kickapoo: if his tail is wet, rain is on the slate; if his ears are stiff, cold weather is due. For Renfro Rexall Stores, it's always fair weather, saleswise. On a nylon offer, all Renfro stores were sold out in an hour, despite inclement weather. Agency: James McBride Adv. Agcy. Schedule: Monday through Friday, 7:00-7:30 a.m. Eirst Broadcast: September 1, 1946. Dry Cleaners CAPITAL CITY REVIEW To keep \VIS, Columbia, S. C. listeners posted on what's what in the state and nation's capitals, De Luxe Cleaners presents a weekly Capital City Review of the week's news. Emphasis is on public figures and public affairs as it relates to South Carolina. Regular part of the format is a transcribed interview from Washington with a South Carolina personality. Program is designed to keep listeners informed on really important week-to-week state develop^ments, with fidl treatment of the highlighted events, rather than sketchy mention of many developments. Schedule: Sunday, 6:00-6:15 p.m. Home Furnishings HOUSEHOLD HINTS EXCHANGE CLUB Living conditions these days present some of the greatest problems housewives ha\ e had to face in recent years. To help them solve these problem's, KTBC, Austin, Tex., acted on the theory that two heads are better than one, offers them a Household Hints Exchange Club, sponsored bv the Texas Furniture Company. Each program presents some of the common problems which confront Cen • 141 •