Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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PUBLISHER-EDITOR Marie Ford EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD 'oger Clipp Van Konynenburg Harold Ryan Philadelphia Minneapolis Toledo Harry Burke len Strouse Omaha Washington, D. C. /Vilt Gunzendorfer -loyd E. Yoder San Francisco Denver EDITORIAL OFFICE • 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Telephone BRidgeport 0181 Marie Ford, Manager. (Business, editorial and general office.) lOPYRIGHT . 1947 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. MAY, 1947 COXTE^TS MAY, 1947 Vol. 8, No. 5 READERS WRITE 148 Coordinate and merchandise radio with other media 149 Phvliss Webb Soehl— Maas Brothers, Tampa, Fla., uses beamed technique. Search for best approach to build trade name leads to news. . .152 Robert J. Dean— Swander Baking Co., Rapid City, So. Dak., triples in size in lo years. Television eye for fashions 154 HiLDEGARDE Reigl— Young & Rubicam, Inc. maintains that entertainment still keynote to successful television for fashion merchandise. Three-point plan for merchandising by radio 156 Mel G. Grinspan— Black & White Stores, Memphis, Tenn., diverts most of ad-budget to radio, with sctiedules on 15 stations in 10 cities. Pre-tested program best sponsor opportunity 158 Byron F. Fellows, Jr.— Success of theory indicated by experience of Kaylan Cutlery Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Entertainment gimmicks make musical clock series effective sales medium 160 Sibley Lindsay & Curr Co., Rochester, N.Y., finds direct selling is never done. Spots versus programs ? 162 Home Furnishing Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., puts emphasis on programs. Institutional and sales approaches combined 163 Crown Drug Co., Kansas City, Mo., hnds radio serves twofold purpose. Radio schedule expands store trading area 164 Harvey's, Nashville, Tenn., finds aggressive merchandising produces results. Select programs for specific audience for best results 165 Armstrong Department Store, Cedar Rapids, la., combines morning and nighttime schedules to reach diversified audience. How commercial need a program be ? 166 W & J Sloane, San Francisco, Calif., finds commercial restraint effective. Sponsors cooperate to improve radio standards 167 WELM, Elmira, N. Y., sells 9090 of minimum budget two weeks before airtime. Airing the New — New program ideas 168 Showmanship in Action — Merchandising ideas 171 Proof O' the Pudding — Results from radio 174 Johnny on the Spot — Spot announcement campaigns 175 Showmantips — Ideas briefly noted 1-76 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions, $3.00 one year: Canada, $3.50. Single copies — 30 cents. Canada — 35 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be reported to Radio Showmanship Magazine, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn., three weeks before it is to be effective. Send old address with new. NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMt^ANYjNt^ GENERAL LIBRARY ..r-i»< \/rvni/ Kl V