Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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I Women's Wear MUSIC FOR YOU The Town & Coumrv Shop, Sa\annah, Ga., wanted a program which would attract the attention of women interested in a better grade of ( loihing. It also wanted a program hook which would create store traffic without detracting from the atmosphere of dignity and authenticity which its shop and merchandise created. Music For You was the answer. A transcribed musical program built to order h om the WSAV library, Music For You accents brightness and freshness of musical arrangement of light classics, show tunes and hit songs which have survived the test of transient popularity. Music is ])resented in a balanced mixture of orchestral and \ ocal arrangements by a master of ceremonies who combines dignity with a casual touch. The merchandising hook is a natural outgrowth of quiet and informative and, believable commercial copy. Each W^ednesday the master of ceremonies describes the Town & Country Jane E?igel Fashion of the Week, a dress distinctive for style or value, or both. The audience is told that the dress will be given to the first lady who can identify it on the dress racks of the shop the following day; no strings, I no limiting provisions of prior or future '. sales. The contest is open to everyone who wishes to enter. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: March, 1947. Broadcast Schedule: T-W-Th, 7:30-7:45 p.m. ( Sponsor: Town 8C Country Shop. Station: WSAV, Savannah, Georgia. Power: 250 watts. COMMENT: Pulling power of the pro giam, as evidenced by store traffic, is ex. cellent and the contest hook has succeedI ed in bringing the type of listener the sponsor want to reach into the shop. Which indicates that the materials for i successful programs are available to any station if time and thought are devoted to reaching the right combination for the problem at hand. How music proved to be effective for another women's wear shop is told in the February, 1947 issue, page 51. PRODUCES QUALITY TRANSCRIBED RADIO SHOWS EASY ACES: America's funniest husband and wife. Three or five quarter houri per week that mean prestige and popularity for you. That just gives you an idea. The biggest advertisers in the nation (as well as many of the smallest) are sponsoring Ziv transcribed programs — and, because other advertisers pay their pro-rata single-city rate, these big-name, big-time shows are available to you at a mere fraction of their cost. WRITE FOR AVAILABILITIES Nf W TOtK CAGO HOllYWOOO MAY, 1 947 • 173 •