Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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SHOWMANTIPS New program ideas briefly noted. Department Stores SYMPHONY OF MELODY When Symphony of Melody goes on the air for T. Eatons, it's more than just another locally produced show from the CKOC, Hamilton. Ont., transcription library. An NBCThesaurus program, Symphony of Melody is now in its second year, six times weekly, 6:30-7:00 p.m., and in the interests of audience promotion, it rates newspaper display advertising which features the names of guest vocalists and the titles ■of musical selections to be heard. Its good listener ratings, excellent audience response and sponsor satisfaction indicates the production care which begins with the theme music and follows through to the final commercial. This same attention to detail has been con-sistent on a week-day b^.sis, year after year. Commercial copy is of the service variety and sells Eaton's as the store for ser\ ice, with no direct merchandising attempted. Series is in charge of a key producer, with the music that of Allan Roth. No exception to the CKOC rule is this series from the NBC-Thesaurus library. Now in its fifth year is The Jesters. With Three Quarter Time now in its fourth commercial year, it's a close second. PHILO VANCE While Fhilo Vance specializes in the solution of crime and murder, he's no slouch when it comes to the solution of an advertiser's sales problems. Tliat was the feeling of the StroissHiRSHiii R(; Company, Youngstown, ().. and as soon as the transcribed series became available, Siroi ss-lIiRSHiiKRc; signed on the dotted line for 52 weeks. Commercials stress items in the Men's Depat tment, and a tie-in is also made with the Book Department, featuring the Fhilo Vance series by S. S. Van Dine. Pictures provided by the producer, the Fredp:ric \V. Ziv Company, were used in connection with WTMJ dummy mikes, as the basis for window displays when the series first went on the air. Counter displays and elevator signs were also a part of the build-up. Broadcast over WFMJ Tues day at 8:30 p.m., the series is preceded by news, followed by music. NAMES IN THE NEWS It was back in No \ ember, 1942, that the Boston Store, Salt Lake City, Utah, released its first pro gram over KUTA in its Names in the News series. Comments J. Ed Snyder, president of the J. Ed Snyder Advertising Agency: "The program, after all these months on the air, has definitely proved its value, many, many times." Series is aired three times weekly, with the emphasis on the institiuional approach. When the sales approach is used, particularly for specially priced women's ready-to-wear apparel, the announcements bring immediate and tangible results. Hotels DRAKE PRESENTS MARY BIDDLE Interviews with theatrical celebrities, other \isitors to the Quaker Citv, is what the Drake Hotel offers \VF1L, Philadelphia, Pa., listeners three times weekly, with Mary Biddle to handle the mike chore. Series originates from the Ocean Room of the Drake Hotel, 11:15-11:30 p.m., M-W^-F. Hotel orchestra provides musical interludes, with bits of hotel gossip and theatrical news to flavor the prograuL Date of first broadcast: November 25. 1946. Jewelers JEWELS OF ENTERTAINMENT W ith the CiEM Jewelry Company located as it is between two of the largest theatre in Texas, it had more than a passing interest in what went on in the theatrical world. W^ith that tie-up, Jeiuels of Kntertainmcfit, a fi\e-miiuae prev iew of one of the motion pictmes soon to be seen at a local theatjc, was a natural for Gem's spon sorship over KNOW. Aired five times 176 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP