Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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rlomemakers' Series Does Personalized belling LaSalle § Koch, Toledo department store, makes WTOL series integral part of its Homemakers' Center activities 1\,SALLE & Koch's Homemakers' . Center" said the crisp brunette as she answered the phone and then waited for a reply. Evidently the reply was a question becatise her response of "Just a minute, I'll see," was followed by a query addressed to an attractive blond lady at another desk a few feet away. "Do you put sugar in sauer-kraut?" asked the brunette in a tone that implied she didn't think so. "Yes," said the blond lady, and then added, "I'll take that call, Rosemary." "This is Dorothy Coon," said the head of Lasalle's Homemakers' Center, "and the recipe I gave over the air yesterday does call for sugar in sauer-kraut . . . brown sugar ... it brings out the flavor ..." and so the phone conversation continued for a minute or two, or three. From a merchandising standpoint the important part of the conversation was the portion revolving around a new pressure cooker that was on display in the Center and an invitation, that cotild not have been more personalized, to come ill and see it. Hundreds of times each week, Lasalle & Koch's Department Store is called upon to answer homemaking questions. For example, an excited voice over the phone said, "There's something in m\ closet. What is it?" After a moment, in which a number of retorts passed through her mind, Dorothy questioned the distraught homemaker long enough to learn ' that "it" was a bat. CareftUly, Doroth\ outlined the best way to remove a bai from a lady's closet in the most con\en i ient manner for all concerned . . . including the good intentioned bat. | Direct Customer Contact j Another remarkable thing aboiu this i institiuion is the atira that it creates among the ladies of all Toledo. The Homemakers' Center is just that. A center to learn homemaking and a center in which groups of homemakers can congregate to fill pleasant hours in a pleasant atmosphere. Suppose a group of women of any age, need a headquarters for its annual, monthly, or weekly club meetings. La