Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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ticipation program that is almost certain to plav to standing room only. It was this combination -vshich put the Chi Chi Ci.ib, San Diego. Calif., on the air. ^^■ith Milton Donn as emcee of the KFMB Aseeklv series. ^Vomen selected at random from the audience \ ie for prizes b\ competing in rela\s. blindfold battles and discussions of contro\ ersial topics pertaining to their sex. Local sponsors ccMitributc the prizes, ^vith air credits for their part in the tun. InfcMinal chats Avith ^\■omen at ringside tables, bv means of a portable microphone, are a part of the format. \\'eekl\ feature is a tribiue to birthda\ guests, complete "with birthda\ cake and a kiss from emcee Donn and KFMB annoinicer. Jimmv Pantages. Ad-libbed commercials remind listeners of Chi Chi's pri\ ate dining rooms, its luncheon facilities and cocktail lounge. .\IRF.\X: Bro^JcJst Schedule: Fridav. 1:50-2:00 p.m. Sponsor: Chi Chi Club. Sutton: KFMB. San Diego. Calif. Poiter: 230 watts. Agency: Eves &; Price Ad> . .•\gc> . COMMENT: Local broadcasts of this kind ha\e the strong pull of local names ^\hich gi\cs ihcm a tremendous ad\antage when it comes to building audiences and maintaining listener interest, especially A\hen [he\ continue to dra-w new names and ne\\ faces. If such programs get in a rut. pla\ to the same house week after week, both imcrest and effecti\eness are diminished to some extent. Restaurants AN EVENING AT ANGELO'S W hui Anl.ELl^'s enlarged its first restaurant, opened a second one. it publicized the event with a W'KXL broadcast series appropriately titled An Eicning At Angela's. What wins new customers, brings back old ones for more, is the prospect of a free dinner, plus a free movie and free transportation for the evening. Listeners to the 6:43 p.m. quarterhour have a chance lo test their musical LQ. through the correct ideniifKaiion of musical selections plaved on the broadcasts. At the conclusion of each program, tlie announcer telephones Concord. Nil . residents at random, asks each if he can identify the mystery tunes of the evening. To those who produce the correct answers the re^vard is a dinner for t^vo at Angelo's. with taxi service supplied gratis bv the Eagle Cab Compan\ . and f\N'o theatre tickets, courtesv of the Capitol Theatre. Newspaper ad\ertisements. courtesy announcements and stories in the local newspapers got the program off to a good start. Placards in the restaurants also help publicize the sho^v-. E^idence that the series has -^s'hat it takes to produce sponsor results: two oiu of every three persons telephoned at random from the city telephone book are timed to the series, in spite of the fact that the broadcasts compete against LoiccU Thomas. Directed at the adult group, the commercials stress ser\ ice and quality, with emphasis on breakfast at Angelo's. family dinners and special rates on luncheons for the businessman and office-worker trade. AIRFAX: Copy-writer Tom Pingree writes the commercials, with Norm Bailey as master of ceremonies. First Broadcast: January 13. 194". Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday. 6:45.~:00 p.m. Preceded By : News. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Angelo's Restaurants. Station: WKXL. Concord. N. H. Power: 230. Population: 2~.1~1. COMMENT: That programs need not be elaborate nor costlv to hold their own against network competition is indicated bv the success of this progiam. Its a type of format that has been adapted to the needs of a \\ide \ arietx of sponsors. • :io RADIO SHOWMANSH