Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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SHOWMANTIPS New program ideas briefly noted. Participating TEEN O'CLOCKERS There's no lack of teeno'clock scholars in Atlanta, Ga., if the response to AVAGA's Teen O'Clockers is any indication. Series is composed, produced and directed by teen-age bovs and girls under the auspices of Junior Achie\ement, with tlie super\ision of AWAGA's staff. Each broadcast features a guest \ocalist from one of Atlanta's high schools, with additional musical entertainment supplied by a teen-age orchestra and bv transcription. In addition, the progiam includes a Sports Spotlight, a short skit, other ad-libbed chatter. Joint sponsorship, on alternate Avecks. is shared by the Atlanta Royal Crown BoTTLLNG Company, the J. P. Allen Department Store, Montag Brothers and Randall Brothers. Sponsors report that results, in terms of the sale of soft drinks, school supplies, clothing, et al., is verv satisfactory. Restaurants CAPITOL COFFEE CUPS AVhen the North Carolina legislature is in session, the constituents back home have a chance to get first-hand information on how their representati\ es stand on controversial topics. Carried on the seven stations of the Tobacco Network, as well as on AVTIK, Durham and A\'SOC. Charlotte, the program is fed from AVRAL-FM to \VTIK. Durham FM receiAcr and rebroadcast over \VTIK-AM without use of telephone lines. A legislative round-table with three or four members of the legislature as participants, the series is aired Monday through Friday, 9:15-9:30 a.m. Program originates from Fogg's Restaurant. StatiunLTs CRUSADER KIDS ON THE AIR Alinosl anv school child in the cn\irons of Miami. Fla., can identify the C^risadkr ]^>k.\m> school supplies and paper products by the picture of the Knight in Armor, riding his dashing steed. That same knight comes to life in a weekly Crusader Kids on the Air series broadcast over WTOD for Knight Brothers Paper Company OF Ml\ml Inaugurated October, 1942, the Crusader Kids are heard e\ery Saturday morning, 9:30-10:00 a.m., with children between the ages of 10 and 17 years eligible to compete for the weekly cash prizes of S5, S3 and S2. Thirteen weeks are required to complete a series which consists of ten preliminary broadcasts, two semi-final and a ftnal. Finalists compete for four grand prizes totaling SI 75 in savings bonds. Clark Fiers, director of the Crusader Kids, holds talent auditions Aveekly. ^Vhen the sixteenth Crusader Kids series was completed November 16, 1946, Knight Brothers Paper Company had paid out SI. 600 in weekly cash prizes and S2,800 in war and savings bond grand prizes. Of the 960 youngsters who had participated in the broadcasts, 480 had been prize winners. Music Stores 1400 CLUB There's never a dull session of AVPAVs 1400 Club for teen-agers, with meetings either at the \VPAY, Portsmouth. O., studios or at Eagles Hall, every afternoon, Mondav through Friday. Aired 4:00-5:00 p.m., the show is composed of recorded request tunes, with a special feature attraction to highlight each broadcast. Sponsor: Music Shops. Monday is Booster Day, with five dollars worth of new records to the school sending the largest representation. All club members in attendance on Tuesday receive ice cream bars. AVednesday the club adjourns to Eagles Dance Hall to trip the light fantastic. One of the high schools in the environs of Portsmouth is honored on Thursday. Friday's broadcast features the eight top tunes of the week, on the Eight that Rate. JUNE • 211 •