Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Md the other leatthg stars of stage f screen, radh ^THB CRITIC SAYS'" ^"-^ With a roster of guest stars taken right off the top of the Hooper Hstings, this series of plattered variety shows put out by the U. S. Treasury to plug savings bonds is due to garner wide and appreciative listening. Smart programming by the local indies handling this series would be to spot these shows at cream times where they can do the most good both for the bonds and the station's rep. C WHAT'S COOKING JL/uring June and July, the biggest, ultrasuper-duper Savings Bond campaign will step to the mike. RADIO has always done a terrific job. Spotlight GUEST STAR — in advertising and publicity. Tear off a nice hunk of your cream time, and we'll send you, absolutely free, our special package of wow'd listeners. Remember, cream public service is whipped up in cream time. Spelled: C-R-E-A-M! 9nt Hatch! Intieh your Cream Time with the Big Timet The Treasury Department acknoxdedges with appreciation this public service contribution by Radio Showmanship