Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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schools, radio courses, talent shows, dramatic club presentations, and special contests all take place in this auditorium. Special holiday parties, like Christmas, take place outside of the store, if necessary. Excessive attendance or physical needs like a rink for an ice-skating party dictate in these instances. In other words, very little is missed in the way of possible teen activity and clean enjoyment. An advisory council of 50 girls elected by the club members meets the first Monday of every month with Carol Lee, Fairteen Club director, to discuss and suggest the type of activities to be held during the month. The ideas that the council comes up with are sometimes nothing short of amazing. Consider, for instance, the fact that they conceived the notion recently to hold a Baby Sitter's Clinic. Nothing could have been more sound from the standpoint of public service tied logically to their own age group. It was a successful formula and a successful promotion. The club and the store enjoyed national publicity as a result. Radio, again, was set up and ready to handle this one. Not entirely a matter of budget This type of operation, as you can sec, calls for special consideration, care, and handling. No mere financial budget is involved. The time and thinking of many a store executive is contributed. And the Ivan Hill Advertising Agency (Chicago), which places all Fair Store radio time, is continually of assistance. The results, we have happily found, stem from this expenditure of attention. Chicago is conscious of The Fair's interest in youth. The daily teen radio program hits home most conspicuously because it gives voice, obviously, to something far more substantial than mere prepared radio scripts. Reflected over the air waves is the fact that Fairteens is a going concern, 52-weeks a year. So, you see, we feel that teen-age radio is important. As such, it is so treated. Given teen club members, physical facilities maintained exclusively for teen purposes, continual and interesting promotions, and regular teen radio time, your store can enjoy an avalanche of good will and sales appeal otherwise unattainable. History of the Fairteen Club THE FAIR STORE'S Fairteen Club started in 1944 with a small desk in the store's Hi-Shop. It is now the world's largest teen-age club. "The FAIR'S 'off-the-street' club has been successful because its program has been active and its members kept busy in work and hobbies that are truly of interest to teen-age girls," said Carol Lee (Phyllis Johnstone in private life), Fairteen director. Teens on the Air, Fairteens own 15-minute radio show, is aired Monday through Thursday from the WCFL studio at 5:15 p.m. On Friday, there is a half-hour broadcast direct from the Fairteen clubhouse at 5:00 p.m. Here's a round-up of Fairteen activities during a typical year: Fashion Shows: All year 'round! The models, Fairteens, of course! Shows with bands and guest stars and fun for everyone who attends (even the fellas!). Decorating Sessions: Famous interior decorators help teens with their room problems. Holiday Parties: Like the Christmas ice skating party at the Chicago Arena for 3,500 teens last Xmas, or the Christmas tea dance held at the Aragon Ballroom in 1945. Or the big Valentine, St. Patrick's, and Easter parties each year. Just-Fun Sessions: Like the jitterbug dance classes, like Date Days every Friday, like every day in the clubhouse. Charm Schools: Personal consultations on poise, personality, posture, clothes selection, make-up, hair-styling and grooming and beauty clinics. Radio Courses: Held periodically and include famous radio announcers, actors, and writers as guests. Talent Shows: Teens take over and show what they can do! Talent auditions are held regularly. The Fairteen Dramatic Club: Fellas and girls appear regularly on Fairteen radio shows. Special Contests: Every teen girl in the club has a chance to compete for titles, winning prizes like modeling scholarships, special awards, and national publicity. How can one join the Fairteen Club? Membership is free with teen-age girls (13 years old up) eligible. rsr^s#N#s#s#s#s#s< • 222 • RADIO SH OWM ANSH I P