Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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rectory, will run the gamut from A to Z. Each program is scheduled a week in advance, and the guest is supplied with a list of questions which will be asked during the broadcast. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: September, 1946. Station: KONP, Port Angeles, Wash. Power: 250 watts. Population: 9,409. COMMENT: From the commercial standj)oint, such a series establishes a bond between potential advertisers and the station, breaks the ice for salesmen on future calls. Advice to any station in a community of 20,000 or less: get out and Meet Your Neighbors. Jewelers MEMPHIS FORUM Controversial questions of the day discussed by prominent business men is the public service gesture which the A. Graves & Steuwer Company makes to the WHHM, Memphis, Tcnn., listening audience. Directed at the portion of the listening audience interested in topics of national interest, on the theory that this group represents the major market for fine jewelry, the proo;iam is an open forum for such topics as socialized medicine, the status of the C^ommiuiist party in the United States and the significance of the Moscow Conference in the furtherance of world peace. I listeners are invited to submit questions for discussion and placards throughout the listening area contribute to the audience build-up. Format allows for ample discussion time. Commercials are brief and to the point. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: September 29, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 8:30-9:00 p.m. Preceded By: Bluff City Biographies. Followed By: Hillbilly Rhythms. Sponsored By: A. Graves 8C Steuwer. Station: WHHM, Memphis, Tenn. Power: 250 watts. COMMENT: Of significance equal to or t^reater than the opinions of experts on world affairs is an exchange of thought an current problems between thinking people whose position in the community helps stimulate general discussion on important problems. In fostering this type )i broadcasts, radio and its advertisers )( rform a significant public service. SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Department Stores TEEN TOWN TIME Take one public spirited merchant with civic interest, add a score or more of talented teen-agers from Teen Town in a quater-hour of radio time, and you have Teen Town Time, Egyptian style; Egypt, Illinois, that is. With two other programs on WJPF, "The Voice of Egypt/' Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Elles, owners and operators of the Herrin Supply Company, ''Southern Illinois' Largest Department Store/' set aside their quarter-hour of Saturday morning time for Teen Town. Directed by WJPF personnel, teen-agers appoint a master or mistress of ceremonies, select talent and prepare the program from start to finish. On the air since October 14, 1946, the program has presented the widest possible variety of high school talent. Format of the series includes introduction and close-off, plus two directed-to-teen-agers commercials read by a WJPF announcer. The rest of the program is simon-pure Teen Town. To increase the scope of community service, also expand the trade area for Herrin Supply, the series is now introducing teen-agers from Teen-Towns in cities adjacent to Herrin, and plans are to include about five such groups in a regular series of appearances. Other programs heard over WJPF for Herrin Supply include A to Z in Novelty, a Monday morning, 10:30 a.m. series featuring new records from Herrin's record shop, and Melodies of the Masters, heard Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. which highlights classical and semi-classical music. U LY, 1 947 • 243 •