Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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HOWMANTIPS New program ideas briefly noted. Automobiles IAD REPORTER Since October 1, 1940, iiffic safety announcements and reports ( load conditions in a two-county area ] s been a regular tri-weekly feature on M\G, Dayton, O. Featured on the j>ad Reporter is Paul Ackerman, head ( the Dayton Automobile Club. Series i>ponsored by T. D. and P. A. Peffley, ]:al automobile dealers. One of only 24 radio stations in the luntry, WING received an award of i^rit by the National Safety Council for loadcasting a safety program continu( sh for more than five years. Program im a T-Th-S schedule, 8:50-8:55 a.m. Participating \FFIL HOUSE A phonetic twist of the statin's call letters and a hospitality format 1 ve provided ^VFIL, Philadelphia, Pa., heners with a light thirty minutes of c ernoon music and variety. Edmund 'kipper" Dawes, AVFIL educational di]:tor and emcee of a number of chil( ins programs, is UifFIL House host. Mth the aid of Ethel Rider, his secretary ul ] 8-year-old songstress, Dawes sings i d plays the piano, gags and tells stories, <iws upon both popular and classical 1 :ordings. Dawes also pays heed to listener re( csts. Likewise, he offers prizes to lisi lers who submit the best letters on a ^ icty of subjects. Studio visitors are ^ Icome and often are interviewed on the pgram. "Skip" also interviews visiting c ebrities. General merry-making is I nctuated with news bulletins as they received, with five-minute newscasts uduled at established intervals to 8 nmarize important happenings. Series lard Monday through Friday goes on I ;iir at 2:00 p.m. ZIV PRODUCES STAR SHOWS FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL RADIO ADVERTISERS. PHILO VANCE S. S. Van Dine's famous detective (in books, magazines and on the screen) stalks the airwaves in a fast moving series of half-hour adventure-mystery programs. EASY ACES America's funniest husband and wife. Three or five quarter hours per week that mean prestiqe and popularity for you. Hundreds of sponsors in hundreds of markets are now sponsoring star talent at downfo-earth prices. Big-name, bigfime programs are available to you at a mere fraction of their cost thru Ziv transcribed topsin-talent shows. WRITE CHICAGO J L Y 1947 NEW YORK HOLLYWOOD • 249 •