Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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ticiiiendous increase in store sales, for v'hich radio can proudly claim its share. Current schedules varied Axelrad's present schedule includes pot announcements that are carefully lioscn at favorable periods during both light and day broadcasts, on KSL, :ALL, KUTA and KDYL. Axelrad's Iso sponsors a 15-minute newscast three imcs a week on KUTA, and an excellent anscribed show Flight With Music, on LDYL, starring Marion Hutton. Stations n which shows are used furnish window isplays for Axelrad's and ads on local ew'spaper radio pages. Axelrad's also osts information on its shows in its wino-^vs and in its radio department. Yied and true format Axelrad's format for shows is a simple 111 tried and true one. Opening and osing announcements always instituonalize on store policy and the firm's ogan "You can always shop to advan tage at Axelrad's." Middle commercials on shows are used for merchandising, as are spots. Announcements are changed weekly on all stations l)ut (oimiiercial content of spots is limited to two items per week, making sure each announcement is heard more than once on each of the four stations used. Correlated with newspaper Copy selected for radio, is carefully correlated with Axelrad's newspaper ads to give complete coverage. Warde Johnson, advertising manager for Axelrad's, meets each week with a representative of the Cooper and Crowe Advertising Agency. Copy material is selected and checked before it is put on the air, and through Mr. Johnson comes the final touch on the Axelrad radio copy that has not only helped sell furniture for the past 23 years, but has established good w^ill and respect for this firm with both its customers and competitors in the Intermountain area. Display cards in the radio department remind customers of the radio entertainment offered Axelrad's Furniture and Carpet Company over four major Salt Lake City stations. Here, a play card for Axelrad's KDYL series, Flight With Music is inspected by Gordon Crowe, agency president, and Warde Johnson, Axelrad's advertising manager. IGUST, 1947 • 259 •