Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Variety Essential for Long Range Programming Whether Ws for sales or mstitutional purposes, it takes spice for a Imgering flavor, with strong mass appeal by ENID DAY, Daoison-Paxot) Company, Atlanta, Ga. IF VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE, Variety will assuredly add long life to your radio program, and your popularity on the air. Nothing is so fatal to a radio program as sameness. Sameness day after day becomes tiresome. Not even Adam and Eve could stand the monotonous sameness of Eden. And boredom is something no radio audience will endure for long. It is entirely too easy to twist the dial or push the button that brings calm to the air and surcease to the anguished ear. Mass appeal important The sponsor of a retail radio program, and the person who writes and produces the show, should give thought to the need for variety when a long range program is contemplated. Mass appeal is one of the most important ingredients in any daily radio show. No program can be slanted to catch the ear of any one group or class— it must never be too high hat for those who live across the railroad tracks, and it must never be aimed only at customers whose budget is bent, if not broken. Nor can its appeal be to the middle bracket alone. It nuist appeal to the Big Bear, the Middle Si/cd Bear, and the Little Bear. A gxjod retail store program must strike an even keel in it's audience appeal if it is to become an institution in the minds of the comminiity. A program is designed first of all to 262 sell the spo.nsor's product or products anc win friends for his firm. Like all gooc advertising, radio can do two things, h can sell merchandise, and it can also sel the firm that offers the merchandise foi sale. In this day and time when competi tion is keen among stores, the reputatior of a merchant is not made altogether or the quality of his wares and the value h( gives for a dollar. It is made on service. And a large portion of service in th(| operation of a firm is the method usee to convince people that what you hav( to sell is worth more to them than th( money it takes to buy it. For the sake o variety in the presentation of merchan disc, display managers constantly changi their windows and interior displays. Ad vertising managers search unceasingly fo new ideas in writing ad copy and in ai' work. A radio program which is designee to be a part of the advertising patten nuist also search— and find— sufficient va riety to have a fresh appeal day after da and month after month. There are many ways to inject variet into daily radio sales continuity. Ther are many ways to keep copy fresh an( iiucresting, so that whatever you wish t< sell, however j^rosaic or exciting an iten may be, it will have a definite appeal t< those who hear about it over the aii riicre are many ways to inject variet into a daily program designed to sel various items of merchandise, howeve RA^ 10 SHOWM ANSHI