Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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of the firm, is like any successful formula: it ]nust be well balanced; it must have sufficient good taste to please the most fastidious; it must have sufficient appeal to whet the shopping appetite of even the most lackadaisical budget; it must have freshness and variety to avoid same ness and maintain interest and it mus give to those who listen, something t( keep— something to benefit the mind anc heart and soul as well as answer the de sire of the purse, and the longing foi something better in day to day necessities on the shopping list. rood Flashes Sell Groceries, Perform Consumer Service 10 years away from radio, Fisher Brothers Company, Cleoelarid, returns to airways, attributes expansion to its co-ordinated advertising campaign with newspaper and radio in combination THE Fisher Brothers Company, Cleveland, O., has had a year and a half of successful radio advertising with Betty Browncll and her program. Armchair Planning, a 15-minutc morning program over \VTAM which has given pleasure and service to housewives in northeastern Ohio. And Fisher Brothers is satisfied, after ten years away from radio, that its return to the air has rounded out and dramatized Fisher Food Service in a coordinated program of merchandising and advertising. Service through advertising As a bit of Fisher Foods advertising history, the company previously placecl the bulk of its advertising budget in the newspaper medium. Tliis is still true, biu the company is now convinced that the ha])py result of expansion altril)utablc to adveilising lias come through (lie coordinated plan between news{)apci' and radio. And the company is completely aware that only by way of radio is its • 264 • "food flash" service to the public possible. The "food flash" service cannot be minimized because it was born dining the harrowing, hectic days of the shortages. It repeatedly served as a life-saving idea to the worried housewife whose entree for the evening meal was still a blank. Came the ^d^h—'Fislicr's have cheese today!" And in little more than a flash, a relieved housewife was off to market with an idea for dinner and a secure knowledge that Fisher's didn't "flash" an item luiless the supply warraiUed it. The "Sorry, we're out'' sign would not disappoint her when she reac hed her neighborhood store or master market. 1 he "flash" continues to be a valuable "idea" service in connection with this WTAM feature. The item advertised has been so conscientiously selected that not infrc(]uently the jjrogram is on the air when a luni ied telephone call comes in from Fisher's: "Pull the beej commerciall A load of fresh asparagus lias just arrived! There will be asparagus in all Fisher RADIO SHOWMANSHIP.