Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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stores today." That dependable, lastminute service is one that more than pays off in happy-housewife-dividends. Coordinated with newspapers There is a smooth operating coordination between the week's featured foods as advertised in newsprint and on the air. Holiday specials, for example, are not a mere listing of turkey prices and 'place your order now." The newspaper ad may be a pictured dinner with a suggested menu, while on the air are tips on how to make that dinner a super-special event— sometimes recipes, sometimes not. It all adds up to helpful, friendly service. As a tie-in with the program, the sponsor has distributed recipe sheets through its stores in Greater Cleveland and Northeastern Ohio. Now for the program itself Artnchair Planning is a visit from Betty Brownell (Vin Lindke in private life) into the kitchens of her listeners. She brings with her a plan within the realm of possibility even though she may take them to Marikesh, Africa, with a wonderfully mouthwatering description of a meal with a sheik. She knows there isn't one chance in a billion that she or any one of her listeners will ever dine with a sheik in Marikesh— but there's not a reason in the world why every single one of them can't taste the delights of that same meal. And that, you see, is the plan! As Betty tells her plan for the day she accompanies herself on the piano with music keyed to the mood of her picture story. Merchandising tie-in Five $5 food certificates are given each week to people who write the best Armchair Plans and send them in with their favorite recipes. There is very little plug for these letters. There doesn't need to be. The letters pour in to Betty Brownell, their friend. When Betty Brownell took off June 14 for the realization of a few of her own armchair plans, she had completed 380 consecutive broadcasts, and had provided the perfect tie-in program for the Fisher Stores with the friendly service. The campaign is handled by Gregory and House, Inc., Cleveland advertising agency, with Ruth S. Jett as account executive. ; AUGU ST, 1 947 • 265 •