Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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bymphony Orchestra Bui^ Weekly broadcasts over WCFL principal element in the public relations plan for the Chicago Title and Trust Company, lend support to firm^s quasi-public utilities character EXECUTED BV: Earle iudgin $ Company, Chicago OUTSTANDING AMONG the country's local broadcasts is the Chicago Symphony Orchestra program sponsored by the Chicago Title and Trust Company. Few local shows enjoy the largescale planning and production efforts that make these concerts possible— few local broadcasts offer a program that rivals the best of network shows. Outstanding talent Supplementing the famous Chicago Symphony Orchestra on these broadcasts are guest artists of international reputation whose special talents are featured from time to time. Such favorites as Dorothy Maynor, William Kapell, Vronsky and Babin and (on one "lighter" occasion) Larry Adler, have been heard on the show. Leading instrumentalists How another title insurance and trust company makes successful use of radio, with quite a different approach, is told in the December, 1946 issue of Radio Showmanship Magazine, p. 412. It's the story of the Title Insurance and Trust Company of Los Angeles, and its sponsorship of Romance of the Ranchos over KNX for long-range institutional and public relations purposes. Half-hour dramatizations of California history, romance and adventure consistently top all local Hooper ratings. • 266 • from the orchestra itself often make solo contribiuions. Among the distinguished conductors heard last season were the orchestra's regular nuisical director, Desire Defauw, and guest conductors including such musical guests as Friiz Busch, Charles Muench, Nicolai Malko, 1 auno Hannikaincn and others. For the 1917-48 broadcasts starling next September, the Sxinphony's new nuisical director, Arthur Rodzinski, will be the regular (onducior. Definite advantages gained 1 his radio program constitutes the principal element in the sponsor's broad public relations plan. Sponsorship of the city's leading musical organization lends RADIO SHOWMANSH IP