Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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th a Good Testimonial. / . . . Radio Showmanship is excellent. You are to be complimented in every way for the very great service you have done and are doing for both the local and the regional advertiser and for the listening audience. W. J. Phillips, Jr. Promotion Manager WHKK Radio Station Akron, Ohio . . . Radio station promotional material such as Radio Showmanship is certainly scarce, and the excellent editorial and printing job that you are doing deserves a world of success. John Carey Sales Manager WIND Radio Station Chicago, 111. . . . Your magazine has given me a good deal of pleasure along with help in planning new programs and promotions. John Griswold Program Director KVOS Radio Station Bellingham, Wash. . . . Your magazine deserves a vote of praise. I am a constant reader of our station's floating copies. Please enter my personal subscription. Don L. Chapin Account Executive WMOH Radio Station Hamilton, Ohio . . . Please enter my subscription, and send information on back copies to complete my files. I would also like a magazine file binder. Your magazine is splendid and I have thoroughly enjoyed the issues I have read at the station. Edward Skogman Omaha, Nebr. . . . Either I did not get my last November, this March and April copies of Radio Showmanship, or they went astray . . . which appears fairly unlikely, because I always put them in the file binders quickly to keep scavengers from glomming on to them for take home interest. Please send the missing issues if they are available. Lambert B. Beeuwkes General Manager WROV Radio Station Roanoke, Va. . . . You are to be congratulated for the outstanding contribution you are making to the Radio industry. In particular, I want to compliment you on your very fine May issue. I think that it was one of the best issues I have seen on the market today. Station Manager WHOB Radio Station Gardner, Mass. . . . May we congratulate you on operating a really progressive radio publication! H. C. Burwell Commercial Manager WMBS Radio Station Uniontown, Pa. . . . We would appreciate receiving one each of as many back copies as you may be able to furnish us. T. A. Lanes Program Director De Kalb Sound Studios De Kalb, 111. . . . We have compiled a large scrap book, indexed according to types of business, to contain all the articles that have appeared in Radio Showmanship since its first issue. This is to be used by our salesmen when it is thought that experience stories might be useful in connection with our advertisers. It certainly presents an imposing array of material for advertisers and for all who are boosters for radio. W. E. Wagstaflf General Manager KIDO Radio Station Boise, Idaho ... I want to congratulate you on a real magazine that, so far as I am concerned, is one great big help in selling radio time. D. M. Brown Commercial Department WLAK Radio Station Lakeland, Fla. ... I feel that your magazine fills a very definite need in the broadcasting industry. P. G. Scwell Manager WFLZ Radio Station Florence, So. Car. . . . I'd like to compliment you on Radio Showmanship. It is attractive and serves a need. I wish you lots of luck. Geth Osborn KVOO Radio Station Tulsa, Okla. . . , You have a splendid magazine. I wouldn't want to be without it. Mary S. Barber KOPP Radio Station Ogden, Utajj AUGUST, 1 947 « 277 •