Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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JOBNNY ON THE SPOT News, reviews and tips on spot announcements in this column. Grocery Products HAPPEA Anyone driving north or south on Highway 101 in California becomes familiar with the Andersen pea splitters, Hap-pea and Pea-wee, comical characters who personify the Valley Inn, Bueltton, Calif., "The Original home of Green Split Pea Soup." The comical characters are also on the green and white package of Andersen's Green Split Pea Soup Fro/en, no\v being sold through giocery outlets throughout the West Coast. First marketed in a tri-county area, consumer acceptance was such that radio and newspapers were used to introduce Green Split Pea Soup Frozen in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Attention getting spot announcements were used on KFI, KMPC, KHJ, KGFJ, KFvVB and KLAC, with a 30-minute program of transcribed music used five times weekly on KFAC to round oiu the schedule. Results were such that once more, I lie distribution area was enlarged, and middle western and eastern markets are now receiving shipments of the product. Agency: Makelim Associates. Milling SIFTED THROUGH SILK How spot announcements pi()\ ide the basis for a successful radio cam})aign for the regional advertiser is illustrated by the Valley City Milling Company, Portland, Mich., whose use ol radio extends into both northern and soullieni markets. A few years ago, Valley City, millers of Rowena flour, food and feed products, made its first experimental use of broadcast advertising. Today, this 63-year old mill is a consistent user of the radio medium, and dealers are enthusiastic over the constancy with which radio is selling Valley City prodticts for them. The secret of its success is in the use of straight selling commercials which play up established slogans. Comments Francis K. Glew, president of the Francis K. Clew Advertising Agency, Grand Rapids, Mich.: "Our radio hits hard with selling stuff. No dramatics— just telling about the product." Spots designed to catch the ear of both the young and of the experienced housewife with timely, informative messages plav up the "Sifted through Silk" slogan, and "The Flour the Best Cooks Use." In Michigan, the flour is marketed as Enriched Lily White Flotir. In the Carolinas and Alabama Enriched Roller Champion is the flour product. But the basic approach in the 50 and lOO-word announcements is the same. Stressed is flavor, nourishment and the easy-baking qualities, with bakability the fiotir theme. Announcements are carried on the following North Carolina stations: WGTC, Greenville; WRRF, Washington, and WEED, Rocky Mount. Michigan stations carrying spot announcements for Valley City include A\X)OD, Grand Rapids; AVJIM, Lansing and \VTCM, Traverse City. Says adman Glew: "In the southeastern states Roller Champion Flour has become a prime favorite for which radio can (laim some of the sales promotional credit." 1 ie-in whi( h has the enthusiastic support of wholesalers: air mention for each of them on a regular schedule. While only the flour is featured in the southern market, in Michigan, Valley Cj'ty Milling on-the-air products include flour, and Rowena pancake mix, dog diets, poultry and dairy feeds. In Dog Diets promotions, the slogan, "Dogs W-A-G for Rowena" featured in national advertising, is the key to the radio commercials. Digestibility is the dog diets hinge. 280 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I