Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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sical talen, WCLO received a gold plaque from the Federation. AIRFAX: Other WCLO public service features include a Schooltime program heard regularly each morning in 450 rural schools. Farm public service is also stressed. Sponsor: J. J. Smith Jewelry Stores. Station: WCLO, Janesville, Wis. Power: 250 watts. Population: 29,992, COMMENT: Power in watts does not limit the small station nor its advertisers in public service activities. It's a program that pays off in friends for both. Department Stores LITTLE RED SCHOOLHOUSE Because Kaufman's Department Store, New Orleans, La,, was established in 1877 at a time when the Little Red Schoolhouse was in its prime, it offers WNOE listeners dramatizations of the one-room school days. Each episode brings into prominence some song, game or custom from the days of the McGuffey reader and the blue-back speilers. Stories are woven into long range plots, with much of the material dramatizations of the experiences of writer-producer Beverly Brown, himself a former teacher in a one room Iowa school. Stunts and contests which tie-in with New Orleans schools augment the show, with a poster contest, a composition contest and a talent contest part of the 194647 school year activities. Each of the 39 broadcasts (SeptemberJune) is dedicated to a local teacher, usually one who has been in the school system for many years, Kaufman's uses the series for its institutional vahic. Says Bernard Pincus: "I consider the Little Red Schoolhouse one of the finest institutional efforts of its kind. We can tell from our customers' reactions and comments that it is very well known to them." A second series is scheduled for the airwaves this Fall. AIRFAX: Beverly Brown, who writes and produces the show, also plays the dual roles of School Master and Deacon Spry. The cast of nine scholars (and four adults) is augmented as the occasion requires. First Broadcast: September, 1946. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Sponsor: Kaufman's Department Store. Station: WNOE, New Orleans, La. Power: 250 watts. Population: 560,000. COMMENT: Here's an interesting depart ure from the usual Saturday mornin offering for school children. In its favoi is the fact that it has interest for all at^c levels from oldsters to the small fry who I respond to its "once upon a time" elt-i ment. Gas Appliances COOKING QUIZ That WLOW, Norfolk, Va., listeners know their cooking recipes^ is indicated by their response to a quarter-hour Cooking Qiiiz. An average of three recipes is read on each broadcast, with both ingredients and procedure in1 eluded. To the first person calling the station with correct identification of the recipe goes such prizes as paring knives, handitongs, whirlbeaters, et al. A weekly prize is awarded for the best recipe for a specified dish with such prizes as pressure cookers for the winner. All merchandise prizes are items carried by the sponsor. Commercials promote Tappan Gas Ranges, for which the sponsor is dealer, with a cooking program a natural tie-in for gas ranges. Copy consists of brief mention of the various features of a Tappan Range. A letter contest focused listener attention on the features of the range. Listeners picked out the feature they liked best, explained why in 50 words or less. Prize: a Tappan Range. Another merchandising hook: a recipe book called My Favorite Recipes, compiled from listener-sent recipes to quiz cook. Bob Drepperd. AIRFAX: The Cooking Quiz is a copyrighted feature. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 10:3010:45 a.m. Preceded By: Date with a Star. ' Followed By: Quiz A Tune. Station: WLOW, Norfolk, Va. Power: 1000 watts (D). COMMENT: W^Iien the editorial content of a piogram lias a natural tie-in with the ]>i()chict a(hcrtised, a certain type of iiniiy of })ur})ose is achieved which is all lo the good from the point of view of sponsor idem ification. • 286 • RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P