Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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As a seroke in itself and to publicize various store services Specialty Store Buii FOR THE DEPARTMENT StOlC that WailtS to establish itself as the prestige store in its community, it's more than a matter of quality merchandise or store services. Both are, of course, vital to the creation of the prestige factor, but equally important are a number of intangibles which may be classified as community service. How to render that service, and the nature of the service, are best determined by the needs and interests of each community, but among the majority of retailers, radio has become an important tool in the performance of service to the community, both as a service in itself through the nature of the broadcasts, and as a means of publicizing services which the store makes available. Service on a sustained basis How a broadcast series in itself becomes a community service is illustrated by the Frankel Clothing Company, Des Moines, la., whose sponsorship of Careers in tJie Making over KSO goes into its fourth year this fall. For many years, the Frankel Clothing Company has demonstrated an active interest in service to the comnuniity, and it was this company policy which was the cue, three years ago, for KSO to audition Careers in the Making for Frankel's. The series dovetailed so well into Frankel's established store policy that its president, Dan Frey, had only to hear the audition to know that it was exactly what the store had been looking for. While Frankel's is definitely radio minded, with a schedule which includes the 5:.^0 KSO news, Monday through Saturday, a well set up spot announcement schedide, and such seasonal programs as the High School Football Rally program, Careers in the Making is today an integral part of its broadcast schedule and Mr. Frey is one of its most ardeiu boosters. • 310 • What constitutes service Careers in tJie Making is a weekly vo cational series broadcast during the regu lar school term Thursday, 7:15-7:30 p.m Designed to stimulate interest in the planning of careers for high school stii dents, each program features a diftereni school, with a panel of three or fotu' stu dents quizzing a recognized leader in :i Radio as a Department Store Service in Itself Retailer Station and Cit\ Sears Roebuck dC Co. KOA, Denver, Colo MILE HIGH FARMER: As an extension of ii^ service to the state over a period ot years througli encouragement of 4-H Club work and the devel opment of agriculture in the state, Sears took oi sponsorship of what had been a KOA sustainei since 1944 as another opportunity for service. May, /9Y7, p. i6i' Retailer Station and Cit) Kaufman-Straus Co. WINN, Louisville, Ky IWITAIIOX TO COLLEGE: With no com mercials other than opening and closing credit mention, Kaulman-Straus made possil)le a histor\ tjui/. series with a four-year university scholarshi|j, the incenli\e for high school students. January, kj^j, [). )t Retailer Station and Cit\ Rich's Department Store WGST, Atlanta, Ga., othen RICH'S RADIO SCHOOL: As a part of an out standing jol) in identif)ing itself with its cit\ anc' state. Rich's preseius an across-the-board strij for in-school listening by grades from kinder garten through sixth grade. Store aim: to identif\ itself with a slate service that needed to be done May, ip^6, p. 75: Retailer Station and ('it) A. Polsky Department Store WAKR, Akron, Ohit Jl \IOR rOVVN MEEH\(; OF I HE AIR Representati\es from pubiit schools in a radiu' of 50 miles participated in this 45 miniues on-the air discussion series on national and internal iona March, 19^4, p. 9^ RADIO SHOWMANSHIf