Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Bakeries AS THEY LIKE IT In line with the trend toward beaming radio programs to do certain specific jobs, the Acme Stores, owned and operated by the F. W. Albrecht Company, Akron, O., wanted a show especially designed to sell foods or related products, with promotion for Acme Bread the immediate objective of the broadcast campaign. At the same time, the sponsor wanted to avoid the pitfall of beaming its program at too limited an audience. What evolved through Premier Productions was a syndicated 15-miniue program broadcast three times weekly over WADC which glamourized foods. On each show, celebrity hostess, Betty Lockhart, gives an interesting character sketch of a j>roxy guest, and a highlight of the broadcast is an entertaining story of the celebrity's favorite food. Three musical selections, favorites of the proxy guest of the day, are also featured. Material lor the broadcasts was gathered l)y personal inter\iews and letters, over a period of a year, with such celebrities as Lawrence I ibbett, Shirley Temple and Louis Bromfield among the big-name attractions. Two connnercials carry t he sales burden for A(nie Bread, with opening and closing credit lines to set the program stage, ie: "The Acme Stores presents 'As They Like It'.' Food favorites of the famous . . . a program to entertain you, inform you, and send you to your kitchen tasks inspired." Acme coimnericals leatmc cconomx and taste appeals. Kxainple: • 312 • "The best way to save money is — 'Don't spend it'! At least, don't spend any more than you need to spend. You can now buy a big loaf of Acme Milk and Honey Bread . . . the best bread you erer lasted, for only 13<f. Why pay more? Acme Milk and Honey Bread has a delicious flavor, due to the extra richness of energised flour, healthful milk and golden delicious honey. Acme Milk and Honey Bread has a smooth, even, tender texture . . . the result of double mixed dough and baking under perpetual motion in travelling ovens and humidified air. Yes, Acme Milk and Honey Bread is the finest loaf of bread you ever tasted. It makes wonderful toast. It makes fresher sandwiches. It's the bread you need for every meal. Get this extra big loaf for only 13^ at your neighborhood Acme store. Remember . . . Milk and Honey saves you money!" Pre-broadcast promotion included posi ers for Acme stores and store window displays. Store managers were givei copies of scripts of early shows and ar notified of the list of proxy guests eac) week. AIRFAX: First Broadcast: June 2, 1947. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 3:30-3:45 p.m. Sponsor: F. W. Albreclit Co. Station: WADC, Akron, O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 309,504. COMMENT: There's a definite spot in th broadcasting schedtile for the homemal ing program, especially when the old foO( forum idea can be given the glamou treatment. Sponsor here gets the bencfi of bigtime personality names as a part o its plan to sell merchandise. Since gettin the prospect interested is half the job o selling, what's more logical for a foot advertiser than a program that puts th listener in a frame of mind to be inter ested in foods and food products? > Whatever the program format, a new sures increased listener interest. WZKC mazoo, Mich., puts theory into practice i nection with a new man-on-the-street ser With Dick Swanson as emcee, assisted I Harvey, there's a gimmick which inert-, effectiveness of the live audience parti* ' angle. Passers-by answer four questions. 1 1 question correctly answered is worth 5i I there's an additional prize if the particip i rectly answers two other questions, with 2( the pay-oflF. Gimmick for three correctly I ed questions: the two dollars, plus a d from the WZKO College. Added prizt i theatre tickets. Program is heard each w ]l at 12:05 p.m., following the news. RADIO SHOWMANSHI