Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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new characters and situations. Two series, axailable separately or in combination. HOLIDAY PRODUCTIONS ... A script service ior the main holidays of the year. Christmas schedule includes 13 quarter-hour shows; a 30-minute show featuring carols and the Christmas story, and ten Christmas greetings for Yuletide airing. Scripts for Thanksgiving and New Year's also available. Complete service also includes programs for Easter and July 4. The comiplete service ... all five holidays ... is available exclusive in an area for $50. SANTA'S MAGIC CHRISTMAS TREE ... A boy and a girl rub a magic lamp, dream of Santa Claus and are transported to Santa's Magic Christmas tree, where every branch and limb is a different department where toys and Christmas gifts are made. Store tie-ups. 15 quarter-hour transcribed programs. SINGING LADY, THE . . . 39 fairy stories, with 13 special holiday programs included, featuring Ireene Wicker in a quarter-hour series. Producer also offers a number of one-time Christmas programs, including The Spirit of Christmas, The Juggler of Our Lady and The Littlest Angel. STREAMLINED FAIRY TALES ... Of 60 quarterhour transcribed episodes, 15 are especially prepared for Christmas. Cast with the Koralites. Available separately or in combination. SUNDAY PLAYERS . . . Bible dramas, 13 of which may be used through the Christmas season as a holiday series. A total of 52 30-minute scriptural plays recorded by the Sunday Players of Hollywood. UNCLE REMUS . . . Uncle Remus stories and his old friends Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit get the Christmas spirit in a new series of programs especially designed for concentrated pre-Christmas merchandising. Jimmy Scribner, ten years on coast-to-coast MBS with his Johnson Family brings Uncle Remus to life. Twenty quarter-hour open end programs. Cost per program based on metropolitan area population, ranging from $3.00 to $15.00. A Sack Full of Xmas Profits! "CHIMNEY CHATS WITH MRS. SANTA CLAUS" A Tested 25-day Promotion for the Toy Department of YOUR LOCAL DEPARTMENT STORE 25 COMPLETE SCRIPTS $50,00 jar Series Takes only one announcer and a worn ^ an's voice. ^ Excellent merchandising hooks, three of them! Costs nothing to produce. Brings outstanding results. Write now for sample script and details of highly successful run for large St. Paul store. Show can also be used for any other type store selling Xmas toys! Kids love it! You will too! New, novel, easy to sell! Let us give you the complete story! Write SHOWMANSCRIPTS ROOM 218 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. OCTOBER, 1 947 • 355 •