Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts. Bakeries THEATRE-RADIO CLUB lo further listener interest in a major radio campaign, advertisers sometimes find that a supplementary program in support of that basic campaign is very much worthwhile. One such sponsor is the Holsum Bread Company, in connection with its broadcast schedule on KRKO, Everett, Wash. Holsum was convinced that when the youngsters control the radio dials, adults, who are in the background, must also listen. Holsum's sponsorship of the Cisco Kid was on that basis. Saleswise, it was a direct line; the child insisted on hearing the Cisco Kid and as a result, mother and father heard about Holsum's "Nexu Improved Bread." Since April 24, 1946, when Holsum first too^ on sponsorship of the Cisco Kid, results from the tjuarter-hour series broadcast three times weekly (M-W-F) have convinced Holsum of the validity of its original premise. But to capture an even larger share of the audience, Holsum took on a supplementary program over KRKO, the Theatrc-liadio Club, with the primary purpose of heightening interest in the Cisco Kid. While the heavy promotion goes into the Saturday morning theatre party, results show up on the Cisco Kid, and through proper merchandising promotion, combined with the belief tliat radio (an do a successful sales job if you give it a chance, Holsum today has a program which occupies a Number One spot in radio listening. What stalled tlie suppliincntai y cam paign was a bread survey in the Holsum trading area conducted on his own initiative by KRKO promotion manager, Marlin E. Smythe. On the basis of the results, Holsum made certain essential changes in its distribution plan to give it more effective coverage in the area. At the same time, Holsum gave KRKO a free hand to devise a promotion campaign. The first step was to take over the Theatre-Radio Club, a Saturday morning kid show that pulls a theatre audience of over 1200 youngsters each week. To gain maximum value from the Saturday morning show, promotion went into high gear. Cisco Kid wrappers went on to all bread loaves, and hundreds of them pour into the theatre each Saturday in exchange for gifts. With a bicycle given away each week on the show, plus numerous prizes for contestants in a Throw for Dough dart game, bread wrappers became a valuable item to the youngsters. Sales began to soar. Distribution was enlarged. No bets were over-looked. Happy Birthday cards are sent each week to youngsters celebrating their natal day, and these cards entitle the holders to a free pass to the next show. Theatrical Certificates, good for four lessons in any type of entertaining (dancing, baton whirling, singing or band music) are distributed through the local grocery stores, compliments of the Holsum Baking Company. (As an additional dealer tie-in, a new personality is introduced at the theatre and on the air each week as the Grocer of the Week, and in addition to the airplug for his store, the gi ocer receives four theatre tickets of his choice). Interwoven in all this promotion is the Cisco Kid. In addition to the Cisco Kid bread wrappers, special stage attractions are used at the theatre to call attention to the western atmosphere of the radio series: ie, personal appearances by such entertainers as Cal Schrunun and his Rhythm Rangers or Roy "C^urly" Johnson and His Circle / Playboys. Also, hundreds of photographs of the Cisco Kid and Paiicho are given to the yoinigsters. Nor is display promotion overlooked. Photographs made each week of contestants and winners are to be part of a • 356 • RADIO SHO WMANSH I P