Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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COMING SOON You'll read complete reports on broadcast advertising techniques successfully developed by advertisers and radio stations throughout the country in RADIO SHOWMANSHIP It's the businessman's independent source of radio information . . . and radio's established publication devoted solely to the much neglected business side of radio programming. Advertising specialists, business authorities and leaders in the field of radio present their experiences each month in this handy, pocket-size monthly publication. TEEN-AGE PHDGHAMMIIVG— To be effective, appeal to major interests which reflect the teen-time world says Grace M. Johnsen, manager, continuity acceptance department, American Broadcasting System, New York. IlLI 1 U /lilt j/lLt J— A guide to practical commercial copywriting for retail advertisers, by William E. Wright, Wright Radio Productions, Chicago. COMMLNITY LEADERSHIP VIA AIRAward winning radio series aired daily for 60 minutes performs double purpose for Hale Brothers, San Franits 7 stores in a 4-market area. CISCO, -K -K -K -K . ^ Other pertinent articles on selling merchandise through radio.