Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Publisher Leonard Martin Fox Editor Sol Shulmon Assistant Editor Thelma Zankman Business Manager Mae Arkans Circulation Mgr. Carmella Costantino Pacific Coast Office Gene Lopoten. . .412 S. Rampart St. Los Angeles 5, Calif. Drexel 6097 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Roger Clipp F. Van Koynenburg J. Harold Ryan Ben Strouse Philip G. Lasky Lloyd E. Yoder Philadelphia Minneapolis Toledo Washington, D. C. San Francisco Denver EDITORIAL OFFICE • N.E. Corner 16th & Conlyn Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone Kingsley 5-5980 COPYRIGHT • 1947 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. CONTENTS NOVEMBER, 1947 Vol. 8, No. 11 READERS WRITE 364 Eflfective teen programs appeal to major interests 365 Grace M. Johnsen— Three program types indigenous to the age group says the manager of the continuity acceptance department, American Broadcasting Company, New York City. Commercials key to air sales 368 William E. Wright— The president of Wright Radio Productions, Chicago, 111., presents a guide to practical commercial copywriting. Good radio builds sales and community leadership 370 Walter Conway— Award winning radio series aired daily for 6o minutes over KSFO, San Francisco, Calif, performs double service for Hale Brothers, its seven stores. Spot announcements : sales medium for laundries 372 An RS Analysis— Here's a complete, ready-for-the-air campaign designed by the American Institute of Laundering for association members. Weather: for sales and good will, a good sponsor bet 374 Union Oil Company— Series broadcast on two stations is major bid for fishing trade business in Alaska. Department store gets results with air domination 376 A. PoLSKY Company — Store transforms merchandising showmanship into ear appeal with five and a half hours weekly over WHKK, Akron, O. Brewer builds woman's show 378 Gulf Brewing Company— Daily morning series for feminine listeners on regional basis unique campaign successfully used by this Houston, Tex., firm. Woman's show sans recipes 379 Participating— Variety basis for successful mid-morning format on this KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah, program. Modest-budget show passes 13-week test for meat packer 380 Howard C. Caldwell— Radio the backbone of an effective advertising and merchandising program for the Harris Packing Company, says the president of Caldwell-Baker Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind. advertising agency. Airing the New — New program ideas 382 Showmanship in Action — Merchandising and promotion 385 Proof 0' the Pudding — Results from radio 390 Showmantips — Programs briefly noted 393 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions. $3.00 one year; Canada, $3.50. Single copies — 35 cents. Canada — 40 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be reported to Radio Showmanship Magazine, N.E. Corner 16th and Conlyn Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., three weeks before it is to be effective. Send old address with new. NOVEMBER, 1947 • 363 •