Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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Drug Stores RAMBLING IN RYHTHM Back in January 12, 1943, the Roecher Drug Company, Bozeman, Mont., was a new-to-radio account, with three spot announcements weekly over KXLQ. It maintained that schedule until March 1, 1946 when it switched from spot announcements to programs with three quarter-hour programs weekly. A business increase of 35% since January 1943 is what put Roecher's on the air with an expanded schedule. Opening and closing credit lines and a long middle commercial carry the sales story for the drug store. In most cases, one article or one department is featured, ^vith an occasional tag-line for prescriptions. A\4ien prescriptions get the middle (ommercial spot, emphasis is placed on the number of prescriptions that have been filled by the drug store. (As of September 1, 150,000 had been fdled.) AIRFAX: Popular music of the light instrumental variet> is featured. Broadcast Schedule: Tuesday, 6:00-6:15 p.m.; Thursday, 11:30-11:45 a.m.; Saturday, 6:15-6:30 p.m. Preceded By: Varied. Followed By: Varied. Sponsor: Roecher Drug Co. Station: KXLQ, Bozeman, Mont. Power: 250 watts. Population: 12,000. COMMENT: Locally produced, low-budget shows can and do produce excellent returns, with consistency of effort one of the most important single factors for siic(css with the broadcast medium. "Chimmif. Q^^"^ ^^ TWuL. SanicL C^aiUL" A Tested 2 5 -day Promotion 25 COMPLETE SCRIPTS f 50.00 for Series Costs nothing to produce, takes only one announcer and a woman's voice. Three excellent merchandising hooks. Brings outstanding results. Write SCRIPT SALES ATTN: Marie Ford Minneapolis 14, Minn. 107 S.K. Orlin Manufacturers LE ROY MILLER CLUB A yardstick would not be considered a very reliable instrument with which to measure a radio audience by Messrs. Hooper, Roslow, Conlan, but Reinhart, Inc., sponsors of a five '■.#^#s#-^.#s#<#s*s^^ 4 minute strip of WFIL's Monday through Saturday LeRoy Miller Club discovered that it will do the job neatly. Reinhart sponsored the 7:25-7:30 a.m. portion of the weekday morning show to plug its Venetian blinds. ^\ File's early morning emcee was asked to plug the firm's free yardstick offer for six successive days. The announcements were less than a half-minute in length, and the six brought 3208 mail recjuests. Reinhart's decided it was high time to call off the offer, start mailing yardsticks. Commented Ted Reinhart: "Make sure that you have Le Roy Miller stop gi\ ing away our yardstick. Since we did not expect such a hea\ y response, you will have to kee}) him quiet for awhile so that we can catch up on getting out this first batch." WFIL account execiuive, Max Solomon, comph'ed. AIRFAX: Miller, on the air with records, time signals and banter, has been the Quaker City's highest ranking disc jockey for more than a decade. His WFIL show is aired from 7:00 to 8:45 a.m., with time sold in strips of five, ten and fifteen minutes. First Broadcast: August, 1945. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 7:008:45 a.m. Preceded By: News. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Reinhart, Inc., others. Power: 1000 watts. Station: WFIL, Philadelphia, Pa. Population: 2,081,602. COMMENT: Here's proof indeed of the power of the early morning record show in uiins of audieiue response to an eslablislu'd, p()})ular ainioiincer. 392 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP