Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1947)

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CASTING COMPAHYJHC RftRY. klK NEW YORK, % V. iblisher Leonard Martin Fo> Jitor Sol Shulman ssistant Editor Thelma Zankman isiness Manager Mae Arkans irculation Mfg. Carmella Costantino Pacific Coast Office ene Lopoten 412 S. Rampart St. )s Angeles 5, Calif. Drexel 6097 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD 'DSer Clipp Philadelphia Van Koynenburg Minneapolis Harold Ryan Toledo zn Strouse Washington, D. C. lilip G. Lasky San Francisco oyd E. Yoder Denver )ITORIAL OFFICE: N. E. Corner 16th & Conlyn Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone: HAncock 4-9056; 4-9345; 4-9354. iOPYRIGHT: 1947 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship CONTENTS DECEMBER, 1947 Vol. 8, No. 12 How to build commercials that sell 400 William E. Wright — The head of Wright Radio Productions, Chicago, 111., presents pointers on how to slant copy to produce results, with special mention of the vocabulary of the advertising man. Appliance distributor ups dealer sales and traffic 404 Tom p. McDermott, Inc. — Oklahoma distributor of household appliances sponsors transcribed series on regional basis on behalf of 300 Oklahoma dealers on a 52-week schedule, with KOM A. Oklahoma City, and KTUL, Tulsa, the outlets. Agency is the Gibbons Advertising Agency, Inc., Tulsa. Specialty stores benefit with specialty programs 406 Kempton's — Format worked out by WSYR, Syracuse, N. Y., for luggage store suggests basic approach to broadcast medium for other types of specialty stores. How hardware dealers get people to buy what they sell . . 408 An RS Analysis — Radio campaign based on departmental approach, with application of the beamed technique, is beneficial to entire store is the concensus of dealer opinion. Article is based on a variety of successful campaigns in large and small markets, with interpretation by Marie Ford. Short term campaign is out 412 Crystal Furniture Company — Because of outstanding results with the medium, this furniture store diverts adbudget 80 per cent to radio, with KVNU, Logan, Ut. the outlet. Spot announcements logical for mortuaries 413 P. O. Narveson — Radio schedule for Utter-McKinley Mortuaries, Los Angeles, Calif., follows service pattern, with daytime announcements most effective, says ad-man Narveson, of the Associated Advertising Agency. Teen-age show ups sub-deb sales 414 The Fair — While dress department sales lag, junior and misses wearing apparel shows consistent increase, with Louis R. Sarazan, controller, giving radio major credit. Series is aired over KXOL, Fort Worth, Tex. Merchants sponser booster campaign 416 Elizabeth City Merchants' Association — A 26-day campaign cooperatively sponsored by 40 Elizabeth City, N. C, merchants over WCNC checks trend to shop in nearby larger communities. Idea File 418 Directory — Summaries by types of programs of all broadcast campaigns reviewed in Radio Showmanship during 1947. Year End Index 424 Business Directory — A quick index by business field of what others have accomplished through radio during the course of 1947 as reported in Radio Showmanship. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions, $5.00 one year; Canada,$5.50. Single Copies — SO cents. Canada — 55 cents. DECEMBER, 1 947 399 i