Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1949)

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3. ious sections of the newspaper (news, society, sports and radio pages). There will also be advertisements in the Union Advocate. Package Inserts - Starting Mcnday, August 7, package inserts will be placed in all packages, both take-with and sends, at the direction of Miss Krauss, personnel director. Radio Pre-announcements — Starting Monday, August 7, WDGY will schedule announcements throughout the day and evening programs to build up interest in Schuneman's Red Rooster program. WDGY Newspaper Advertising — WDGY will advertise Schuneman's Red Rooster program in St. Paul and Minne apolis newspapers, country newspapers and the Farmers Union Weekly. South St. Paul Advertising — WDGY will use all available facilities of its South St. Paul office to advertise Schuneman's Red Rooster at the stockyards and points of rural contact there. Street Car Card Ads — Schuneman's street car cards will advertise the new radio program, being placed in the cars as soon as possible after August 7. Billboards — Schuneman's billboards will be redesigned as much as is consistent with economical and effective presentation to advertise the new radio program. Hotel TFnXMJj, offers yov EVERYTHING in the center of EVERYTHING ,ba"> and row pr,v°'e fcffi fr0rn *•* Do«b'« from $5 on ***** DZor ofpopulor Y ' s I T o U R c ?°fk°9ed all * "^ show i „ Jp% wi* West 49th STREET bet. BROADWAY and RADIO CITY 24 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP