Radio showmanship (Jan-Dec 1949)

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Jloccd Ae«ji<L Cheated Qaod Will AIR FAX: Local news provides effective medium for sponsor messages. First Broadcast: May 2, 1949 Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday 1:15-1:30 P. M. Sponsor: Sweat Motor Co. Station: WALD, Walterboro, S. C. Power: 250 Watts Population: 30,000 Preceded By: Cedric Foster "Neighborhood News" a five-day^ week, quarter hour program presented over WALD, Walterboro, South Carolina is the result of a demand for a program in which informal, or "neighborhood news" could be given and is designed to cover the local happenings in all the communities which make up Colleton County of which Walterboro is the county seat. During this daily fifteen'minute period news of clubs, churches, births, deaths, marriages, all social events, and even murders, suicides, and wrecks are given. A recent innovation is concluding the news with birthday greetings against recorded music and letting this end the program. If no birthdays are reported the program closes with beauty and household hints. Reports on sick folk have sent friends calling and even resulted in visits from the pastors who told their members that they heard it first on the radio "Neiglv borhood News." The program began the first Monday in May of this year. It was given a tryout before an attempt was made to get a sponsor. The first Monday in June a sponsor was announced. While it would have seemed a program with more appeal to women's shops as it always included more news of interest to women and reports of current fashions, strange to say it was sponsored by a local automobile company, the Sweat Motor Company, dealers in Buick automobiles. The cost to the sponsor is the usual charge for fifteen minutes of time. There is no talent charge since the program is given by a woman member of the staff of WALD, Miss Beulah Glover, who came to the station with a background of newspaper reporting experience and writer of magazine articles. The program is given in an informal chatty way. If news seems a bit scarce human interest items are taken from the teletype as are fashion and household hints. There seem to be as many men listeners as women. The time selected was 1:15, following Cedric Foster, over the Mutual network. As Cedric Foster completes his news, the announcer gives the time, oncfifteen, and says "and time for your Neighborhood News Reporter." 12 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP