Radio stars (Oct 1938)

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RADIO STARS ... All FOR THE G/ftl WHO KEEPS SKIN THRILLING ^04 •Stow Oxstx £Y7ft4 "SKIN-VITAMIN" f * /A7Z? ///rVff J-A7/V. . . /Off £W3B4 BEAUTY CARE * I i WHEN SKIN LACKS VITAMIN A, THE "SKIN-VITAMIN" IT GETS ROUGH AND DRY — WHEN SKIN-V TAMIN "is RESTORED, IT BECOMES SMOOTH AGAIN I A L WAV'S CREAM EXTRA "SKIN-VITAMIN" INTO My SKIN By USING POND'S COLD CREAM... IT HELPS PROVIDE AGAINST LOSS OF THIS NECESSARy VITAMIN FROM My SKIN IB > MARGARET BIDDLE Philadelphia Deb Men fall for soft, smooth skin. When skin lacks Vitamin A, the vitamin essential to skin health, it gets harsh and dry. Now Pond's Cold Cream contains this necessary "skin-vitamin.'''' • VII normal skin contains Vitamin A — the "skin-vitamin." • In hospitals, scientists found that this vitamin, applied to the skin, healed wounds and bums quicker. • Now this "skin-vitamin" is in every jar of Pond's Cold Cream! Pond's has not heen changed in any other way. It's the same grand cream you have always known. I Be it as always — night and morning and before make-up. Same jars, same labels, same prices. & Statements concerning th If skin has enough "skin-vitamin," Pond's brings an Epctra >';//>ply against possible future need. Smart girls follow this new .beauty care to help provide against loss of the "skin-vitamin." the skii edical literature and tests < if animals following an accepted method. AV-0 2s AND POND'S IS THE SAME GRAND CREAM. ITS USE HELPS GIVE SKIN A SOFT GLOW — MAKES MAKE-UP THRILLING .' 51