Radio stars (Oct 1938)

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RADIO STARS Marvelous CAMILLE CREAM MASCARA now carries safely in attractive new Purse Vanity Now CAMILLE Rives to you her beautiful Dusty Pink and Ebony Plastic Vanity — complete with tube of hiph quality Cream Mascara and brush. With Camille's Mascara Vanity handy in your purse you can have lovely lashes wherever you happen to be at any time of day or night. CAMILLE CREAM MASCARA will make your lashes look charming natural looking — darkening them to the very tips — keeping them lustrous, long, glamorous. Ask for CAMILLE CREAM MASCARA com plete with vanity — 10c at drug, department and 5 & 10 stores. Black, Brown, or Blue. If your local store does not carry it, send 10c direct to Camllle, Inc. Dspt.M 49 E. 1 1tt St., New York ONLY 10c COMPLETE WITH VANITY TUBE OF MASCARA AND BRUSH PORTABLE SALE! o&/ $19-95-; 10 -Day Trial — Easy Term* Brand New. latest model Remington < .d-t f.tily Sr.r'-O during this senaa1...,..! ,M. AI-. K..>»l. < v..rld-1-irnouB Featn.-rweifht Iv.rtablM m» real money-sailnj prices. MONEY DOWN — Sent on 10 features. Limited o: ;E course in typbuj include! dels rebuilt and fully gue International Typewriter Exch., Dept.Wi'oGic'hicaso LONG LASTING FAST DRYING CURLS NOW!AS|K-<-iall..ti, irler, bobby pin, o ickyor greasy. Make aeting. fast -dry tWildr ^y/WILDROOT flWv CURLING LOTION RADIO RAMBLINGS (Continued from page 35) tenng conversation. "Don't think it was a simple way of making a living," Frescott cautions. "Every act had to develop its own code. It took years to get it right, with constant changes necessary to meet unexpected situations or to develop new tricks in the act. "As an idea of how difficult the work was, if a mind reader lost his partner, he might have to spend six months or a year training a new one. The code required intense concentration from both the mind reader and assistant. "The men had to keep on talking rapidly and all the while keep slipping in the right words without sounding repetitious enough to give the audience any hint of how the illusion was accomplished." In the musical show of nearly two decades ago, The Perfect Fool, Ed Wynn apparently did the impossible and mastered the whole code along with his other work during the show's six-week rehearsal period. He did a burlesque, but included enough actual "mind reading" to baffle the audience. Ed accomplished that by hiring one of vaudeville's established mind reading acts to work with him. The audience man of the act walked up and down the aisles chattering as usual. Ed sat on the stage giving the dumbfounding revelations. But behind the curtain, right behind Ed, was the real mind reader, listening to the code talk and whispering the answers into Ed's ear. YOU noticed that Jack Benny went on no European cruise this summer. He just plumped himself comfortably down in California and lived the easy life he is fond of; lots of friends, and sleep any time of the day he feels like sleeping, which times come often with Jack. One of the most comical moments of Jack's career was his perfectly serious remark as he stepped off the Normandie at the end of his last summer's jaunt to Europe. Jack was well tanned but a little tired looking. "Sure, we had a great time," he answered the questions. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything. "When you come to think of it, though," Jack, who can't get away with a lie, went on confidentially, "you can have just as good a time right here at home. With your wife along, you know, there is so much to keep packing and unpacking when you keep traveling from one place to another." Next day, he and his pal, Fred Allen, sat down together, complaining to one another about the bad choices each had made for vacation. Fred had stayed at a good summer hotel instead of taking his usual little ramshackle bungalow, and Jack had gone to Europe. ONE of the good radio classics that should be revived is the old Snow Village Sketches, also titled for a time Socony Nancy Lauck, Lum's daughter, and Gary Goff, Abner's son, are taken for a ride by their fond parents, or is it the other way around? 72