Radio stars (Oct 1938)

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RADIO STARS DRY ROUGH SKIN QUICKLY SOFTENED WITH NEW TRIPLED WHIPPED CREAM DO AS MOVIE STARS DO TO MAKE SKIN SMOOTH If your skin is dry and therefore roush you owe it to yourself to try the new triple whipped cream, called TAYTON'S CREAM. Modern electric production methods anil triple-Whipping make TAYTON'S CREAM so soft, light and fine in texture, that it spreads evenly and thoroughly, resulting in true cleansing, lubrication, freshening and softening. * EVELYN DAW Test This Thrilling Beauty Discovery TAYTON'S is tops in quality. It has been tested and approved bv Good Housekeeping Bureau. You can't know' the joy that TAYTON'S can bring until vou trv it. Get a jar of TAYTON'S Cream at your 10c store today. Put it to the test. See how it cleanses, softens and lubricates dryness. If your dealer is /?zZZ7jpz^ out ask manager to order for you or f ' send 10c to Tavton's, Dept. G, 811 S:'":"™"."V W. 7th St.. Los Angeles. Calif. ^ • FREE POWDER SAMPLE COUPON ; • Take this coupon lo any 10c store for free generous • ; trial packet of T.iywi re", no-,hine. silk-sifted • 7/?Y7"0/?'S CBEflfTIPOWDER LIPSTICK ROUGE WHAT GOES ON AT RADIO PARTIES? {Continued from page 43) Used to win most International Commercial School Contests EASY TERMS-FREE TRIAL WRITE FOR LITERATURE DEPT. B-33 WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER CO., WOODSTOCK, III. • Hair once like straw can become healthy, resilient and pretty. And you can obtain this renewed hair health and loveliness easily at home at no increased cost. You'll notice good results with the first treatment of Admiracion Olive Oil Shampoo. You rub this pleasant oil into your scalp. Then comb it through every hair on your head. A quick water rinse . . . and all the oil in the shampoo, dust, dirt and dandruff debris are swept out. Your hair fibres and scalp are clean. The natural scalp and hair oils you need for healthy hair are not impaired. Try this new way to care for your hair. For a trial sample send three 3-cent stamps to Dept. 22, Admiracion Laboratories, I larrison, New Jersey. 74 happened to be an NBC publicity man and, after his recovery, the incident created the gag of: "That's what happens when an XBC man goes to a Columbia party." W hen radio stars whose programs originate in other cities visit New York, the occasion is usually celebrated with a luncheon, cocktail party or dinner and, at times, rare bits of entertainment are provided. For example, at Amos Andy's luncheon, the blackface comedy pair demonstrated the way they assume the various mike roles of their programs, explaining how variations in tone and pitch make it possible for them to portray so many different characters. At a beefsteak dinner given for Eddie Cantor, his own quick wit was the highlight of the stag affair. When one of the guests said, "Thank you, son,'' to a newspaperman who was helping him with his coat, Eddie said, "What do you mean, son ? You didn't finish it !" Kate Smith's debut last season was marked by a party at Sardi's Restaurant between her two broadcasts (the second being a repeat for the West Coast). Her guests formed the swankiest dressed crowd ever seen at a broadcast premiere, inasmuch as the invitations indicated that formal dress was in order. Kate pepped up the event in true Hollywood style by having a battery of Klieg lights play on the entrance to the Columbia Playhouse, and the event attracted so much attention that a local non-CBS1 station even conducted lobby interviews with the noted guests as they arrived. As indicated earlier in this article, parties on boats are popular. When Major Bowes launched his 81 -foot craft, he sent out invitations to the radio scribes and a small group of associates. The party assembled at the shipyards in the Harlem River Ship Canal where the yacht Edmar (named after Bowes, the Ed for Edward, and the -mar for his late wife, Margaret Illington), was ready to take to the open waters. A priest blessed the boat and the guests filed on board, each receiving a St. Christopher's medal from the Major, who greeted the visitors in the resplendent garb of a commodore (the title honorarily conferred on him by the Mobile Yacht Club). The boat got under way, the guests chatting in the cockpit or in the elaborate dining salon where a buffet lunch was served. The Edmar entered the Hudson River at Spuyten Duyvil and proceeded down-stream to the very tip of Manhattan Island. It began to rain and the water was choppy. Soon the Major decided to put an overcoat over his commodore's togs and went out to the open bridge to chat with the skipper. But whenever the photographers on board prepared to snap pictures, the Major doffed the coat. Bowes announced that the visitors would (Continued on page 76) Nadine Conner, soprano star, is as easy to look at as she is to listen to.