Radio stars (May 1933)

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RADIO STARS 'I WAS JOB" "The boss was calling the men into his office, one at a time. This had been going on several days when my turn came. " 'Jack,' he said, 'we might as well get down to brass tacks. We've got to let some men go around here unless things change, and I am asking all the men to tell me why they are better qualified for their jobs. It's tough — but so is business!' "I had been thinking about enrolling for an International Correspondence Schools Course. Believe me. the boss' remarks persuaded mel And how I dug in to get the training that would better qualify me for my job I Today I have a better job." Every day men voluntarily write what I. C. S. training lias done for them . . . how spare-time study has changed the whole course of their lives. It will do the same thing for any ambitious, intelligent man who has a flghtinc heart and faces the Issues of his daily life head-up I It even takes murage to study this coupon and mail it. But the couimn is the beginning of the training you need. Mark it and send it to Scranton today! NTERN ATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS '■/A* Universal University" Box 390S, Scranton, Penns. Without cost or obligation, please send me a copy of your booklet. "Who Win» and Why," and full particulars about the subject be/ore which I have marked X: TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES □Architect □ Architectural Draftai □ Building Estimating □ Wood Millworklng structural Draftsman □ Structural Engineer □ Electrical Engineer □ Electric Wiring □ Electric Lighting Welding, Electric and Gas □Telegraph Engineer □Telephone Work □ Mechanical Engineer Sanitary Engineer Sheet Metal Worker Steam Engineer □ Marine Engineer j Refrigeration R. R. Locomotives Air Brakes Train Operation DR. R. Section Foreman 3R. R. Bridge and Building Foreman M.thimical Draftsman ]Pattenimaker □Machinist " ! 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S«n,l NOW l,„ I KKK ^mmf i«forn».».i.pli,-^,t I.n, SI.AVIN CO.. »•»■-< 209 Post Stmt San Francisco, Cal. No Joke To Be Deaf _^^^LW —Every Deaf Person Knows That ^^^^^^^ d^ff or ^26 _ rears "wWi A rtifieiaJ *Em *Drucn»^.i5 «k td»7 and night. Thry »t©Dl>©3 heaa doimh and rioifnii «an. Th«r *re _lDTinib.e..and thern' WriU'/oi "How I Got I*c«r sod UtA, Mrxlf Ht.r". Also boctl.t "Bess. Address Artificial GEORGE P. WAT, INC. msi.n BuikUoc si Ear Droms-hia US? Tlie demure roll neck falls away at the back to form a decollettage. Voluminous sleeves that fit snugly at the wrist add a gracious note. With it Marilou wears a cap of black suede cloth, that is swathed intricately on the head. The veil is caught up on the left side with a crystal pin, and swerves deeply down on the right. And that's the story of the way Marilou has combined two elements that are as difficult to mix as oil and water — glamorous, individual style and economy. Too Many Sweethearts (Continued from page 28) box. She showed it to the singer. "It's yours, ^ all yours. I want you to have it. It's home-made fudge." If there is anything Lanny Ross hates, it is fudge. But he opened the box and took a piece. The lady snuggled down beside him. "I feel as if I've known you always. Let's talk." For four hours, mind you, Lanny talked and ate fudge. He wanted to do neither, but he did both. Talk and fudge! Why? Because he realized instinctively that this woman had drawn something from his singing that he had no right to kill. So he played the perfect gentleman, and got a bad case of indigestion. ALMOST every mail brings some request from a radio sweetheart. "Please sing 'Moonlight and Roses' next week. My father likes to listen to you and I am giving him a special birthday party." "Please sing 'All Alone' for me. I'm left alone on the farm every Thursday night. The song will help me." Sometimes they become jealous. One girl with whom Lanny had corresponded for years recently resented the attention he was paying Mary Lou of "Captain Henry's Maxwell House Showboat." She upped and sent him back his letters and photograph. The other night, a girl approached him in the studio after his broadcast. In the past, he had autographed pictures for her, and talked to her briefly when she appeared among the crowd of visitors. This time she took him possessively by the arm and pulled him toward the door. "Come on. They're waiting for us," she said, "What? Where?" Lanny questioned. "We're going to a dance uptown, silly. I wrote you about it last week. I said if I didn't get an answer by Wednesday I'd consider it a date and come by for you. And here I am." Lanny excused himself to look for his coat and hat, left quietly by a secret door, and made a note to get a new secretary to handle his mail. For a while, a Spanish girl shadowed every movement he made. She wanted a "kees." Just one "leetle kees." But she never got it. Eventually, she tired of the fruitless chase and vanished. And then, there was the girl in green. She was a shy, timid little minx with cupid's bow lips and an Irishman's luck. Lanny came home from the broadcast one night, opened his apartment door, and there she was. "I had to come," she said. "I just had to see you." £AN you imagine the scene? The slip of a girl — she was still under twenty — before the man of her dreams. Lanny asked the girl to leave, and she refused. He begged her, and she refused to listen. Now a man cannot toss a strange young woman out of his apartment without attracting attention. The situation was acute. Lanny solved it by going out himself and enlisting the help of a friend's mother. This woman went alone to the girl in green and found her sobbing her heart out on Lanny's bed. Her story was told jerkily between sobs. It was simple, and pitiable. Through his love songs, Lanny Ross had become her dream man. She had loved him for years, she said. Carefully, she had hoarded every penny she could find for a trip from her home in Pennsylvania to New York to see Lanny. Most of that money went for a ticket to New York. The last few dollars had bribed building attendants to admit her to Lanny's apartment. Penniless and heart-sick, she now realized her foolishness. And she wanted to go home. All this Lanny learned when his friend's mother came back from her interview with the girl. What did he do? One of the most gracious things I have ever known. He gave his friend's mother money and had her buy a ticket back to the girl's home town. He had her buy a Pullman compartment on an early morning train and take the girl to it. Ten minutes before the train pulled out of the Pennsylvania station, Lanny himself boarded it with a huge basket of flowers, which he presented to her. That precious ten minutes must have been marvelous for the girl in green. When the train pulled out, her face was aglow with happiness as she waved good-bye through the window. Hard to believe isn't it, but things like that happen when you're a radio star. Lanny isn't marjried yet, of course. But someday he will be. Wouldn't it be romantic if the girl he chooses would be one of those to whom he refers today when he says, "I'm a guy with too many sweethearts." "The Success Story of a Black Sheep" — in our Next Issue. Don't miss the delightful story. It's about that charming entertainer, Elsie Hitz. I'rlnted In the U. S. A. hy Art Color Trintlne Company at Dunellen. N. J.