Radio stars (June 1933)

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RADIO STARS SHE CRIES FOR A LIVING Sallie Belle Cox, who has cried more often over the air than anyone else, is twenty-two years old and weighs one hundred and five pounds. Sallie Belle Cox became a radio artist through an unusual ability on her part— an ability to imitate the crying of a little baby. Can you guess how she learnt it? By WILSON BROWN HAVE you heard the eight-months'-old Maxwell Show Boat bahy? Well, I've just seen the little darling. She's blond and cuddly and very attractive. But she is twenty-two years old. And weighs 105 pounds. Miss Sallie Belle Cox is her name. A score-and-two years ago, on a bright, blue day, she did her first crying on any program in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Since then she has cried here and there over this and that, but it wasn't until two years ago that people would pay her for it. Now she's crying for the "Show Boat" ; for Peter and Aileen Dixon in the "Raising Junior" skit ; was little 1933 crying on the "Cuckoo" program ; and has played other parts on such programs as the A. & P. "Maude and Cousin Bill" yarn, with the Romantic Bachelor, in "Wheatenaville" and for the "Goldbergs." Now that crying is her profession, she wishes that script writers would decide to have more blessed events sprinkled through their pages, because blessed events mean more money for Sallie Belle. Yes, her part is unusual. I heard her in the studio. Not satisfied, I went to her apartment in the modernistic Barbizon-Plaza Hotel in New .York. "How about crying for me?" I asked a bit sheepishly. 10 After all, it isn't always proper for a fellow to ask a girl to cry. She picked up a little pillow and put it to her mouth. The pillow was to muffle the volume. She cried. She cried as though her heart would break. When I looked away it seemed as if a real baby were there. She gasped. She gurgled. She goo-ed. Yowza, she's got the trick down pat. Sallie Belle is a real baby, through and through — that is, professionally. She can goo, gurgle, laugh and talk just as babies would do. And it all sounds so realistic that hundreds of persons have written to NBC to inquire of the "baby." While Sallie Belle was playing a part in "Raising Junior," one woman wrote in to say : "How I do envy Mr. Dixon because he can have that darling baby always with him. I just know he must be the most adorable little thing." Some of those who know that the cooing and the crying are from the talented tonsil region of Miss Cox and not from a real baby write as did this young deb: "I'm sure you'll be responsible for an increase in the birth rate. Anyone who hears you is sure to want an adorable and cute bouncing baby." How did this business of crying start? It's an odd story. Here is Miss Cox's own version : She has always been asso (Continued on page 45)