Radio stars (June 1933)

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RADIO STARS 4 (Above) Mr. Theo Albans, who has received $450 a week every week for four years for singing the same song. See the story. (Right) $250,000,000 went for this. RADIO CITY! That's the house that jackbuilt — John D. Rockefeller's jack. About $250,000,000 of it. Today, Radio City stands a partially realized dream and a monument to the amazing business of broadcasting. Yes, it is an amazing business. Its story is a saga of achievement that compares with driving the first line of rails westward across the Rockies. Go back just a half a dozen years and you are at the beginning of history as far as network broadcasting is concerned. And at the beginning of an era of topsy turvy prices and big money hi-jinks that have turned the entertainment business upside down, converted unknown clowns into national figures, and feathered the nest of many a songbird. To begin with, you — you, the public. I mean — buy on an average of $10,000,000 worth of radio sets each year. That's the reason people like Philco can afford to put Boake Carter and the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra on the air. And Crosley with its great station WLW can afford to build a new broadcast plant that will be ten times stronger than anything else in America. Never before has there ever been such an agency for attracting a mass response. On the night in March that President Roosevelt spoke 1G MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!