Radio stars (July 1933)

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RADIO STARS greeting; die message of good will and good cheer. And if the birthday jjuest happens to l)c ninety years young: or over, lie or she has special mention. The greeting jjoes out to "A young lady of ninetytwo of Akron. Ohio.-' or to "A Civil War veteran of ninety-six of Brookline, Massachusetts." And' if the guest is a hundred years or over — and you would he surprised how many there are who have reached the century mark — the name itself is read over the air. and the Cheerio family shouts. "Hip. hip, hooraj .'" But there is something else that is a by-product of these greetings to those of ninety and over, and that is that the listeners of sixty and seventy begin to feel like two-year-olds. A daughter wrote: "We used to think our mother was old. But now we don't any more — because of Cheerio." There are some hard-boiled listeners who say the Cheerio program is a lot of blah-blah sentimentality. All right, to those persons, it is. But ask a certain manufacturer what happened to him when he tried to interfere with thai sentimentality. You see. the manufacturer wanted some time on the air to advertise his product. On eleven Middle West stations he was given the last fifteen minutes of Cheerio's half hour and Cheerio's program was cut correspondingly. THEN came the fun. The Cheerio audience rose up in arms. It deluged that particular company with telegrams, letters, telephone calls — all saying practically the same thing: "If you don't give us back our Cheerio, we'll boycott your product." "Help !" said the manufacturer to the powers of NBC. "Give me some other time, quick." And we'll wager he'll prefer tackling a bunch of wildcats to interfering with that "sentimental" Cheerio audience again. The question might be asked : Why didn't that manufacturer offer to sponsor the Cheerio time? The reason is that Cheerio has made it known from the start that he feels the commercial element would interfere with the program's purpose. For the same reason he insists upon remaining impersonal. He feels he can do most good by entering the homes of his listeners not as a definite personality, named and pictured, but as a spirit — a spirit of helpfulness, of cheer and comfort and inspiration. He is not, as some have said, trying to build up a great big mystery about himself and so achieve publicity. And he has been so consistent in this attitude that even skeptics are beginning to believe him. In March. 1930. was founded the Order of the Ked C. For one week — the seventh to the fourteenth — in the month of 'March, you can see a Red C in the windows of many homes. (Incidentally, there was one in a window of the White House in that week of 1031, when Herbert Hoover was president.) Those C's stand for Cheerio. They celebrate the program's anniversary week and they express gratitude to the man who wanted to do good for others and did it. woman becam popular by learning to pla; through the U. S. School Course I enrolled. MUSIC the Surest Path to Friends easy to learn this short-cut uraij N°, longer need you envy ix-ople who play — who rc always the center of attraction at parties who make friends immediately wherever they o. Now this newly perfected short-cut home tudy method can make VOL' an accomplished misician. It can tirinn vou the good times you've Iways lonRed for. More than 600,000 men. women, hoys and girls ave successfully learned to play their favorite intrument without a teacher the famous I'. S. And the cost averages only a few Srh da> ' Easy As A-B-C "print and picture" method is liter ally as easy as ABC The U. S. School sim plified instructions Guitar Saionhone Organ Ukulele Tenor Banjo written by expc teachers, first tell yc what to do. Then to do. 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