Radio stars (Sept 1933)

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RADIO STARS UE, aader MTcraat i 'RET YORK PROCESS. <ESSii«kea tLOWBSTF YEARS W BTrsr—-^'"<^'« "» wblfltooffertires In biatorr with 12 moi.^ Don't 0«lay OnUrToday *■ .CORD Tire. Ste* TIrMTubM 30x3 S1.90 30i3M 1.9S , BALLOON Tires 2914.60-20 2, 2914.76-20 IS 2SI6.00-19 J0i6.00 . 20 ^I6.2S-IS 2.6S 28<s:eoI^ 2916.60 -19 2S 0.96 33x4 Z.7S Z.9S 2.95 2.9S Sli6;66-i9 2!95 32x6.00 . 20 3.00 2.7S 0.86 2.7S 0.86 2.75 0.8S 32i4«l:H ?:!t 33x4»i2.95 I.IS 34x4h2.9S I 30x6 3.25 I 33x6 3.2S 1. 36xS 3.S0 1.66 An Other Sizes DEALERS WANTED A L L T U B E S B R AN D N E W c Ja °rXn ¥ E E D fire, filling to slve 12 months' terricc replaced >t h»lf prux. YORK TIRE & RUBBER CO., Dept. 348 l8SS-S9C«ttageGroveAv^ ^I\)iei\eS"fS^lKeaitre 40ih year. Gr.-iduates: Lee Tracy. Peggy Shannon, I na .Merkel. Kred .Xstaire. Zita Johann. Mary Pickford. -Mice Joyce, etc. Drama. Dance, Musical Comedy, Orera. Teachers courses and persona! development culture. Stage. Talking Pictures, Broadcasting teacliing and play direclinK. .Appearances while learniiiE. -Mviene Theater and Student Stock Players. Write Sec'y Radstar, 66 West 85th St.. New York. No Joke To Be Deaf —Every Deaf Person KnowsThat CJeofK*' P. War mad« himself bnr, after beinff deaf fur 25 reara, with Artificial Ear Dnpna-bia own invention. He wore them iar and nigbt. They stopped , ^ and^rlngln^ « fecJrcomforUble the n. Write for bia troe storT '^How I Got Deaf and Umii Urself Hear". Al»> booklet ^. inDeafne.a. Addreaa Arti/ictal Bar Drmm ^ ^ ^ CEORCE P. WAT, INC. U. S. GOVERNMENT JOBS $1260 to $3400 year MEN— WOMEN 18 to 50. /''^^^^ Common Educatioti usually \ ' InV ^ sufficient. Short hours. Write \A J ^Jpy immediately for free 32-page \ L^i^^ book, with list of future posi^?3U-^Jl!eL tions and full particulars tell U^yy '"8 '"^^ '° set them. W^eCjgJr^^ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ' Dept. M-2Ct Recheiter. N. Y. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING UNLESS ^ IT GROWS YOUR HAIR Einyutet Daii4nil...St«f>lletii>t$<al> fjjm <*'«^° SUkVIN CO., Dept.A.22» ""l^^ 2»9 Poft Street ■'°'* Mercolized Wax Keeps Skin Young It.pcclsofI aged skin in fine particles until all defects Burh as tan, freckles, oilincsa and liver spots disappear. Skin is then soft, clear, velvety and face looka years younger. Mercolized Wax nrings out your hidden beauty. To remove wrlnklei quickly dissolve one ounce Powdered Sarolitc in one-half pint witch liazel and use daily. At all drug stores. WOMEN IN RADIO You'd be surprised at the number of important executive positions in rodiolond which ore efficiently run by women. Watch for a story in our next issue. 44 Here are some of the members of the John Henry — Black River Giant broadcast. If you want to hear some marvelous speaking voices and splendid radio acting, don't ever miss John Henry! Backstage at a Broadcast (Continued from page 22) frog-voice of Fred Waring's Old Gold programs, and the singer is Foley McClintock, one of the original organizers of Waring's Pennsylvanians. Stoopnagle and Budd succeed with a comic skit. Budd, looking unusually pleased with himself, finally gives way to the Colonel who introduces Kate Smith. Planting herself before the same mike Martini used, she sings, "Let's Call it a Day." There's a round of applause when she finishes. Remember, this is the jealous, glory-grabbing crowd that was supposed to breed fights. Eddie Duchin, big and black-haired, sits at a piano and plays. Ozzie Nelson, his hair a leonine, brownish mane above a high, white brow, comes up to Duchin's piano. "You know each other ?" Bob asks. "I know him," says Eddie, "I know him very well. He copies all my arrangements." Ozzie flares up like a rocket. "I copy your arrangements. Why, you copy my arrangements." "Is that so ! Well, let me tell you .something ..." Ozzie grabs Eddie by the throat and shakes him. Is this our fight at last? In the loudspeaker it sounds like a real scrap. Actually, they're reading all those furious lines from sheets of paper in their hands. Suddenly, they pull apart. At another mike. Bob Taplinger summons Charles Carlile to sing "From Me to You." I WI.SH you could see Carlile sing. He rams his hands deep in his pants pockets, spreads his feet, opens his throat. It looks hard and sounds easy. Ted Husing's trick talking sounds easy, too — but just try it. Here he is with a mid-period announcement. He flings words into a million homes at a break-neck pace, then throws the control of this broadcast to Chicago ! Chatter breaks out in this studio. Our mikes are dead for a brief few minutes. The loudspeaker on the wall begins to hum. Harlow Wilcox's voice crashes out of it. "Thanks, Bob Taplinger. One good turn fleserves another . . . and here's Connie Boswell." Connie doesn't sing but she does introduce Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians. They play their piece from the World's Fair. Just before their number, Steve Trumball catches Guy for a thumbnail interview. "Where's George Burns and Gracie Allen?" he asks. "I thought they were going to be here, too." "They were," says Guy, "but Grade's been running around in circles. She just laid the cornerstone of a roundhouse. And George is mortar-fied." Suddenly, a girl stands up, slim as a buggy whip, with a strange pallor over her face. Bob talks swiftly, urges her to his mike. As she speaks the .studio turns silent. That voice . . . it's one in a million. The Magic Voice. The girl is Elsie Hitz. A few weeks ago she was deathly ill of scarlet fever, but now she is back and this is her first chance to congratulate Bob. More stars parade to the mike in a succession of "one-minute numbers." Bob calls out : "Reis and Dunn." Two voices in soft harmony sing, "Here We Are," the Reis and Dunn air signature. In a minute the Funnyboners, all three of them, chime in with their own "Boo, Boo, Theme Song." When Freddie Rich is introduced. Bob savs he will conduct his orchestra. But where is Rich's orchestra ? Is it gathered in another studio? Don't l>e silly. He merely takes Freddie Berrens baton and directs Berrens' players. Will Osborn. the tall, hungry-looking lad who rivaled Rudy Vallee for a while, sings and gives way to Mary Eastman. Today, Marv isn't singing. I've heard she has a cold. Anvhow, she is dressed