Radio stars (Oct 1933-Sept 1934)

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RADIO STARS little Nancy Ann Bering, and Nancy refused to be left out. Instead, she made an obstreperous arrival into the world last July, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bering, Mrs. Bering being none other than Joan Winters. J UST in case you didn't know : The Virginia Rea on the Bayer program with Frank Munn is the same singer you knew years ago as Olive Palmer on the Palmolive program. N BC Tid-bits : Art Van Harvey, the Vic of Vic and Sade, has had his hair cut by the same barber for 17 years . . . Al Jolson is rated by fellow performers as one of the stage's most liberal contributors to charity . . . Jan Garber, who has played all over the United States and Canada with orchestras, has never played in his home town of Indianapolis . . . Madge Tucker, NBC's Lady Next Door, has the distinction of having directed the first mystery drama on the air — "The Step on the Stairs" seven years ago . . . Lee Wiley is an honorary member of the Campfire Girls . . . Anthony Frome, the Poet Prince, speaks and sings in eight languages, is a Ph.D., a Phi Beta Kappa and a D.D. . . . Al and Lee Reiser, piano duo, are not brothers but cousins . . . John Seagle. the NBC baritone, was born in Paris. v-OLUMBIA Shorts: Rose Keane. who plays "Beatrice" in "Little Italy," has the most freckles to be found on radio row . . . Wayne King (now on CBS as well as NBC I is the composer of "Goofus" — that goofy tune . . . Frank Crumit and Julia Sanderson announce the arrival of Boston Bean and Lady Julia, offsprings of Muggsey Dee and Tiny Princess, pedigreed Boston bulldogs . . . Albert Spalding, the violinist, dips his fingers in a bowl of hot water between solos to keep his fingers limber and free from perspiration . . . Bob (Meet the Artist) Taplinger who interviews personalities over the CBS kilocycles, is a regular member of the public relations department of the network. L.OTS of radio programs have been celebrating anniversaries. "An Evening in Paris" is celebrating its fourth birthday. Viola Philo, soprano of Roxy's gang and Radio 34 (Above) Even though an ingenue in appearanc Efhelyn Holt plays dramatic roles effectively. SI is heard in the Columbia Dramatic Guild. (B Jimmie Fidler, the Hollywood Tatler, a low interviews the stars and spreads the latest goss about them over NBC. Estelle Taylor appear* recently as the interviewed one.