Radio stars (Oct 1933-Sept 1934)

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RADIO STARS ,. and Jus eyes are saying — Wliat Lovely Hands! In all the sum total of a 'woman's charms, what is more alluringly feminine than the soft loveliness of fair, smooth-textured hands! Now, with Pacquin's, even husy hands may have the heauty men adore and women envy. Because Pacquin's unlike most creams, doesn't vanish — it penetrates, carrying into the skin precious natural softening oils, so necessary to keep your hands youthfully smooth and supple. It counteracts the drying, oil-rohhing effect of exposure to water or weather — the chief enemy of hand heauty. Try Pacquin's for a week. You'll rejoice at the way it softens and whitens your hands — you'll find it different and pleasantly economical, tecause a little pat goes such a long way. Don't try to hide your hands — use In convenient sized jars, priced 10^to$1.00. Also Pacquin'sCold Cream, Vanishing Cream. Lemon Cream, and Cleansing Cream. Pdcquin Laboratories Corporation, New York Programs Day by Day (Continued from page 16) Davis. Dramatic WBZA. WSYR. r:45 C8T-^-WLS. Greater Minstrels. fKLW, CFRB. CKAC. 7:30 CST— WBBM, WOWO, KM B<\ KM OX. WFBM. »vf1 \S. WREC. 6:30 M ST — K LZ, KSL. 5:30 PST — KFPY. KFRC, KGB. KHJ, KOIN, KOL, KVI. 8:45 EST <l4)— Red sketch. (Beech-Nut.) W.IZ. WBAL, XV BZ. WHAM. KDKA. WJR. 9:00 EST (V4) — Sinclair The jokes help (five the old-time flavor. Gene Arnold, Interlocutor; Joe Parsons, tenor; male quartet; Kill Childs. Mac HcCloud and ClirT Soubier, end men; hand <lirectinn Harry Kogen. W.1Z. WGAR. WRVA. WWNC. WLW. WIS. WJAX, WIOD, WFLA, WBAL WBZ. WBZA. WHAM. KDKA. 8:00 CST — WSB, WLS. KWK, WREN, KSO. KWCR, KSTP. WEBC. WDAY, KFYR. WTMJ, WFAA. WMC. WSM. W.IDX. WIBA, KPRC, WOAI. WKY. KOIL. 7:00 MST— KOA. 9:00 EST (Vz) — A & P Gypsies Orchestra Horlick; Frank Parker, WSM B, KTBS, direction Harry tenor. WEAF, WTIC. WCSH, TO, WBEN. WCAE, WTAG. WEEI, W.IAR. WLIT. WRC. WGY. WTAM. WSAI. 8:00 WDAF, WHO. WMAQ. WCAU. WEAN, WJAS, WM BG, WQAM. WTAR, T'/C. KLRA, KM BO, KTRH. KTSA. WDSU. WFBM, TLA C, WMT, KGB. KHJ Symphony Stokowskl WCAO. WDRC. WICC, WLBZ. WPG. CKLW. KM OX. WBBM. WGST. WOWO. KOH. W.TAR, WCSH. WIOD, WFBR. WTAM. WW.T. CST— WOW. KSD, WOC. 9:00 EST C/j) — Philadelphia Orchestra, direction Leopold (Chesterfield). WABC, WADC, WBT. WCAH, WDAE. WDB.T. WDBO. WFBL. WHEC, WHK, WJSV. WKBW. WKRC, WNAC, WOKO, WORC. WSPD. 8:00 CST — KFH. KOMA, KR1,D, wbrc. wrro. WHAS. WISN, PST-KFPY. KFRC. KOIN. KOL. KVI. 9:30 EST (»/2) — .Jack Frost's Melody Moments. Guest artists. Joseph Pasternack's orchestra. W.IZ. WBAL. KDKA. WHAM. WGAR. WLW. WJR. 8:30 CST— WENR. 9:30 EST (%) — Del Monte Ship of Joy with Hugh Dohhs; guest artists; Doric and Knickerbocker quartets; Meredith Willson orchestra. WEAF. WTAG. WEEI. WLIT, WRVA. WJAX, WRC. WGY. WCAE. WSAI. WWNC. WIS. WFLA 8:30 CST — WMAQ. KSD. WTOC, WHO, WOW. KVOO. WKY. KTBS, WFAA. KPRC. WOAI. 7:30 MST— KOA. KDYL. 9:30 "The Bie Show" with Lulu McConnell, comedienne; Gertrude Neisen, torch 'inger and Isham Jones' Orchestra. (ExLax.) WABC, WADC, WOKO, WCAO. WNAC. WJAS. WSPD. WJSV. WCAH. WKBW. WKRC, WHK. CKLW. WDRC. WCAUW3XAU. WEAN, WFBL. WICC, WBT. WTAR. 8:30 CST — WBBM. WOWO, WFBM, KMBC, WHAS. KMOX, KRLD. WREC. WCCO, WLAC. WDSU. 7:30 MST — KLZ. KSL 6:30 PST — KERN', KM.T, KOIN. KFBK. KGB. KFRC, KDB. KOL. KFPY, KWG. KVI. 10:00 EST (VS>) — Wayne (Waltz) King's orchestra. (Lady Esther.) WABC. WADC. WOKO, WCAO. WAAB. WHK, CKLW, WDRC, WJAS. WEAN. WFBL. 9:00 CST — WGX. WHAS. KMOX. WCCO. KSL. 7:00 PST— KERN. KM J. KHJ, KOIN. KFBK, KGB, KFRC. KDB KOL. KFPY. KWG. KVI. 10:00 EST (M:) — Contented Program. Soothing words and music. Gene Arnold, narrator; the Lullaby Lady; male quartet; Morgan L. Eastman orchestra. Jean Paul King, announcer. WEAF, WTAG, WEEI. WJAR, WCSH. WLIT, WFBR, WRC. CFCF, CRCT.. 9:00 CST— WEBC. KSTP. KFYR, WSM. WMC, WSB. KPRC. WOAI. WMAQ. 8:00 MST — KOA. KDYL. 7:00 PST — KGO. KFI. KGW, KOMO, KHQ. 10:30 EST (V4) — Columbia News Service. WABC, WCAO, WAAB, CKLW, WDRC, WEAN, WSPD, WDAE. WPG. WFEA, WTAR. W?SJS. WORC, 10:15 CST WKBW. WKRC. WCAU-W3XAU, WSPD. WJSV. WOWO. KMBC. 8:00 MST — KLZ, W.7AS. WDBO, WHP. WTOC. WMAS. WGST, WISN, KTSA, WJSV. WLBW. WMBG. WKBN -WFBM. WQAM. WBIG. WDB.I. WIP. KMBC. WREC. WDSU. WDOD. KTRH. KLRA. WCCO, WODX. WLAC. KFH. 9:15 MST — KVOR. KLZ. 10:45 EST CA) — Myrt and Marge. Airing life hack stage below equator. (Wrigley's.) 9:45 CST — WBBM, WFBM, KMBC, WHAS, KMOX, WGST, WBRC, KLRA. WREC. WCCO. WLAC. WDSU. KOMA. 8:45 MST — KLZ, KSL. 7:45 PST — KERN. KMJ, KHJ. KOIN. KFBK. KGB. KFRC, KDB. KOL, KFPY. KWG, KVI. (See also VOO P.M. EST.) 11:00 EST (V4) — Amos 'n' Andy. Black face love and taxi inexperts. (Pepsodent.) 10:00 CST— WMAQ. WENR. KWK, WREN, WSMB, WKY, KOIL. WTMJ. WSM. KDYL. KTHS. WDAF. KSTP, WMC, WSB, KPRC, WFAA, WOAI. 9:00 MST— KOA. 8:00 PST— KHQ. KGO. KFI. KGW. KOMO. (See also 7:00 P.M. EST.) 11:15 EST (Vi) — Lum and Ahner. A general store of rural sketches. (Ford Dealers.) WTAM, WLIT. 10:15 CST— WENR. KSD. WOC. WHO, WOW, WDAF. WKBF. WTMJ. TUESDAYS (January 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th) (>: 15-7:00-7:20-7:45 8:00 A.M. EST — Arthur Bagley's Metropolitan Tower Health Exercises. WEAF, WEEI. WFI. WGY, WBEN. WCAE, CRCT. (WRC on 7:30 EST.) 8:30 EST (V2) — Cheerio, sprinkling optimism on your oatmeal. WEAF, WRC, WGY. WBEN, WTAG. WEEI. WRVA. WPTF. WIS. WIOD. CRCT, WJAR, WCSH, WFBR. WCAE. WTAM. WWJ, WLW, CFCF. WWNC. WJAX. WFLA. 7:30 CST— WOW. KSD. WDAF, WSB, WMC. WJDX, WSMB. WKY. KPRC, KFYR, WSM. WOAI. KTBS. WAPI. 9:48 EST (V4) — The Mystery Chef. (R. B. Davis Co.) WABC. WCAU. WEAN, WJAS. WKBW. WNAC. WADC. WCAO, WFBL. WSPD 10:15 EST (%) — Clara, Lu 'n' Em. Back fence gab fests. (Super-Suds.) W.IZ. WBAL, WBZ, WBZA, WCKY. WPTF. WIS, KDKA, WGAR, WHAM. W.IR, WRVA. WWNC, WJAX. 9:15 CST — KWK, WREN, KOIL, WTMJ. WSM. WMC. WSB, WAPI, WSMB, KSTP. WJDX. KVOO. KPRC. WOAI. WKY. WrGN 8:15 MST— KOA, KDYL. 10:30 EST (V4) — Today's Children. Ima Phillips, Bess Johnson and Walter W icker cast in these daily skits. (Pillshiiry.) W.IZ, WBAL. WMAL, KDKA, WRVA. WJAX, WBZ. WBZA, WSYR. WGAR. WCKY. WPTF. WFLA. WJR. 9:30 CST —KWCR. KSO, KWK. WREN, KOIL. WKY, WBAP, WTMJ, KSTP, WEBC. KPRC. 11:00 EST (V4) — Home economics by Mary Lee Tavlor. (Pet Milk). WBT, WCAH, WCAO. WDAE. WDBO. WHK. WJSV. WKBW, WLBW, WQAM. WSPD WTAR. WTOC. WTOC rKT.W 10:00 CST— KFH, KLRA, KMBC, KMOX. KOMA, KRLD, KTRH, KTSA. WBBM. WBRC. WDOD, WDSU, WGST. WHAS. WLAC. WMBD. WODX. WOWO. WREC. WSFA. 9:00 MST— KLZ. 11:15 EST (Vi) — Frances Lee Barton, home economics. (General Foods.) WEAF, WTIC, WTAG. WEEI. WJAR. WCSH. WFBR, WLIT. WRC, WGY, WBEN. WTAM. WWJ. WCAE, WLW. 10:15 CST — WBAP. KSD, WOC. WHO. WDAF, WTMJ, KSTP, WEBC. KPRC. WKY. WMAQ, WSM, WMC. WSB, WAPI. WS«B, KTHS, KVOO, WOAI, KTBS. WOW. 11:15 EST (%) — Big Freddie Miller. Songs and patter. National Oil Products. WABC, WCAU, WDRC. WEAN. WJAS. WKBW, WOKO, WNAC, WADC, WCAO. WFBL, WHK. WJSV. WKRC. WSPD. CKLW. 10:15 CST— WBBM. WOWO. KMBC, KMOX, WFBM. WHAS. 11:00 Noon EST (%) — The Voice of Experience. The old advice to the lovelorn in nice fresh radio wrappers. (Wasev.) WABC. WCAO, WNAC. WJAS. WGR. WKRC WHK. WEAN, CKLW. WDRC. WCAU-W3XAU, WJSV. 11:00 A.M. CST — WBBM, KMBC, WHAS, KMOX. 10:00 MST — KLZ, KSL. 9:00 PST— KERN. KOL. KFPY. KWG. KVI. KMJ, KOIN. KFBK. KGB, KFRC. KDB. 12:00 EST (%) — The Climalene Program with Cheri McKay; Two Macs, two piano team. WGY, WTAM. WSAI. WBEN. WW.T 11:00 A.M. CST — WKBF, WOW. WOC. WMAQ. WDAF. WHO. 12:30 EST (5 min.) — Gold Medal News Flashes. WABC. WCAU. WDRC. WEAN, W.TAS. WKBW. WOKO, WNAC. WADC. WCAO. WFBL. WHK, WJSV. WKRC, WSPD. CKLW. 11:30 A.M. CST— WBBM. WOWO, KMBC, KMOX, W'CCO. WFBM, WHAS. 12:30 EST (1) — National Farm and Home Hour. Guest speakers; Walter Blaufuss and his Homesteaders. WMZ. WBAL, WBZ. WBZA. WHAM. WLW WIOD. WFLA, WSYR, WMAL. WCKY, WJR. WIS. WPTF, WJAX. WRVA, WWNC. KDKA. 11:30 AM. CST — KFYR, WOAI, KYW, KWK, KWCR, KOIL, WREN, WGAR, WOC, WJDX, WMC, KVOO, KPRC, WHO, WOW WDAF, WIBA, KSTP. WEBC. WDAY. WSM, WSB, WAPI. WSMB. WKY, WFAA, KTBS, KTHS. 10:30 MST — KOA. 1:00 EST (Vi) — Marie, the Little French Princess. Dramatic sketch. (Affiliated Products.) WABC, WNAC, CKLW. WKRC. WHK. WCAU-W3XATJ, p»-00 N«"" CST — WBBM, KMBC, KMOX, WGST, WDSU. (Tuesdays, Continued on page 78)