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Radio stars (Oct 1933-Sept 1934)

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RADIO STARS What guarded secrets lie behind this little country girl's great success in the worlds of song and stage? most promising young banker. And | now that his poor wife had died, she would take his little daughter, Ruth, under her wing. It was a great joy to discover so late in life that you had another child to raise. There, in the simple, wholesome existence of the farming country of Nebraska, the roots of the woman, Ruth Etting, were planted. You have read of her love for that life, of her eagerness to return to it — but you have never had a true picture of what that life was — and what it meant to her. Grandfather Etting, in true German fashion, ruled the ranch. He was respected by his wife, children, grandchildren— respected, feared — loved. His word was law. His philosophy was gospel. And no one in all that large family feared him as much nor adored him as much as little Ruth. (Above) Is there anything this lass can't do? (Left) That song in her heart and memories — she's giving to you. 13