Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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RADIO STARS ! they would have to sing "Varsity Drag," they started to leave. There were but fif I teen minutes before the audition was to ! go on and they didn't know the song. But Scrappy Lambert, the singer, stopped there. "Come on in this studio here," he commanded. "I'll teach you the song." Despite the fact that Scrappy was competing with them on the audition, he generously went to work with them. They finished seconds before they were to go on. The audition over, they waited long, awful minutes. Finally an NBC official approached them. "Well boys," he said slowly, "you might as well go home now. You passed the audition." Those fortunate ones who have been listening since the fall of 1928 know the rest of the story pretty well. You remember the enormous success of their "On the 8:15," the morning program which ran 5 for two years. Since that first audition, there have been but three setbacks. These setbacks consist of three marriages. Howard White was the first. When he married Madelyn Corrigan, a girl he had known in Kingston, Pennsylvania, he had to pay his $500 to the three Landts. Dan Landt went next, marrying Lois Benson, a girl he had met while on vaudeville tour. He paid Jack and Carl. The third $500 is being paid by Jack, the youngest of the Landts, to Carl, for as this is being written, he is about to marry Marion Bergeron, Miss America of 1933. Carl, counting the $500 he has not yet had to i pay is still $1,466.66 to the good— or bad, whichever way you want to look at it. But of course those aren't really setbacks. Anyone who can afford to hand out $500 just like that for the privilege of getting married, must have had some degree of success. And it remains as proof to the Landt Trio and White what they contended from the beginning : "If you want to get anywhere, you have . to leave home." Strange Tales of Strange Gifts (Coutiiiucd from page 59) these children," he said. "They'll trail us through their cries." They held a council. The blood-curdling and heart-rending decision was that every child should be put to death. By his own father. "I won't do it," Mr. X shouted pitiably. "I won't kill my own child." "You must," said the stern-faced leader of the group. I IKE Abraham of old, the father took his little son by the hand and crept into the woods. The child looked at him trustingly. With quaking hands, the father picked up a stone. . . . With all the children dead, the band of Greeks escaped safely to the border. Mr. X and his wife came to America, where they prospered. But this man's mind burned with the idea that he had murdered his own child. Try to imagine, if you can, how you RADIO Broadcasting offers you these and more Do you, too, want to get into Broadcasting — the most fascinating, glamorous, good-paying industry in the world? Do you want to earn good money — more than you ever dreamed possible before? Do you want to have your voice brought into hundreds of thousands of homes all over the land? If you do, you'll read every word of this amazing opportunity. For no matter where you live — no matter how old or how young you are — if you have talent — then here is a remarkable new way to realize your life's ambition. Broadcasting needs new talent — in fact, the demand far exceeds the available supply. Greatest Opportunity in Radio Broadcasting Because Broadcasting is expanding so fast that no one can predict to what gigantic size it will grow in the next few years — Broadcasting offers more opportunities for fame and success than perhaps any other industry in the world today. Think of it! Broadcasting has been taking such rapid strides that today advertisers alone are spending more than a hundred million dollars for advertising over the air. Think of the millions that will be spent next year, and the year after over more than 600 stations — think of the glorious opportunities for thousands of talented and properly trained men and women. Many Earn Good Money Quickly Why not get your share of these millions? For if your speaking or singing voice shows promise, if you are good at thinking up ideas, if you can act, if you have any hidden talents that can be turned to profitable Broadcasting purposes, perhaps you may qualify for a job before the microphone. Let the Floyd Gibbons course show you how to turn your natural ability into money! But talent alone may not bring you Broadcasting success. You must have a thorough and complete knowledge of the technique of this new industry. Many a singer, actor, writer or other type of artist who had been successful in different lines of entertainment was a dismal failure before the microphone. Yet others, practically unknown a short time ago, have risen to undreamed of fame and fortune. Why? Because they were trained in Broadcasting technique, while those others who failed were not. Yet Broadcasting stations have not the time to train you. That is why the Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting was founded — to bring you the training that will start you on the road to Broadcasting success. This new easy Course gives you a most complete and thorough training in Broadcasting technique. It shows you how to solve every radio problem from the standpoint of the Broadcast — gives you a complete training in every phase of actual Start training now for one of the many good paying posi growing held. Hundreds of oppor Announcer Musical Director Singer Program Manager Actor Advertising Publicity Musician Reader Writer Director are open to men and women who have mastered the technique nf radio presentation. Kead how you, too, can prepare yourself quickly at home in spare time for your future in Broadcasting. Mall coupon now. Broadcasting. Now you can profit by Floyd Gibbons' years of experience in Broadcasting. Through this remarkable course, you can train for a good paying Broadcasting position — right in your home — in your spare time and without giving up your present position. Complete Course in Radio Broadcasting by FLOYD GIBBONS A few of the subjects covered are: The Studio and How It Works, Microphone Technique, How to Control the Voice and Make It Expressive, How to Train a Singing Voice for Broadcasting, The Knack of Describing, How to Write Radio Plays, Dramatic Broadcasts, How to Build Correct Speech Habits, How to Develop a Radio Personality, Sports Announcing, Educational Broadcasting, Radio Publicity, Advertising Broadcasts, Program Management, and dozens of other subjects. Send for Valuable FREE Booklet An interesting booklet entitled "How to Find Your Place in Broadcasting" tells you the whole fascinating story of the Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting. Let us show you how to qualify for a leading job in Broadcasting. Let us show you how to turn your undeveloped talents into money. Here is your chance to fill an important role in one of the most glamorous, powerful industries in the world. Send for "How to Find Your Place in Broadcasting" today. See for yourself how complete and practical the Floyd Gibbons Course in Broadcasting is. No cost or obligation. Act now — send coupon below today. Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting, U. S. Savings Bank Building, 2000 14th Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. MAIL THIS NOW! i : ■ Floyd Gibbons School of Broadcasting, 1 I Dept. 4K37. U. S. Savings Bank Building. 1 I 2000 14th Street. N. W., Washington. D. C. J ' Without of'gation send me your free booklet , ' "How to Find Your Place in Broadcasting.' ( • and full particulars of your home study course . Name Age. ' Address City State 85