Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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RADIO STARS HAVE YOU EVER SUSPECTED THE TRAGEDY THAT HIDES BEHIND THIS JOVIAL BACH ELOR'S SONGS? T i N I B Frank Munn can be heard Sunday at 9:30 p.m. EST: W I WCSH, W I I. W I I1U. tt'lil WTAM, WW I, KSI), WSAl. WSM, W FLA, WMC, W SB, KGW, KOMO, KIK), WSMB, KPO, WDAF. WAPI. WRVA. VVMAQ, WPTF, WW NC, WIS Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST: W U NAC, WGR, WBBM. WKRC, KM B( ', WHAS. WCAU, Wl WJSN , WSPD. over these NBC stations each !AF, WTAG, WEEI. wiar, CFCF. WGY, W BEN, WCAE, WOC, WHO. WOW, WIOI), WOAI. WIDX, WKAA, KFI, KDYI., WKV, KOA, Kl'RC, W.IAX. WT.M.I. KSTP, CRCT, and over the CBS stations every Aiti . WADC, WOKO, Wi \o, WilK. ( KI.W, WDRC, WJ-BM, AS, WEAN, KMOX, WFBL, By Ogden Mayer WHY FRANK MUNN WHEN FRANK MUNN was twenty-two, lie let love pass by. There was a girl then whom he might have held in his arms and married, hut he was afraid to ask her to share his poverty. Afraid of what the iron chains of circumstances might do to their ardent young love. For four years he saw her whenever he could — and said nothing. So the years slipped by and she married someone else. Was Munn very wise or very foolish in letting young love pass by? All of you who are postponing marriage, because you are without jobs or are waiting for times to get better before you take the great gamble, ought to know his story. Why he made the decision he did and the kind of a man that that decision made of him. Frank Munn himself is very sure that he was wise. So very, very wise, not to take a chance on blasting love's young dream. He saw the right thing to do and he did it. It would be very nice if life were as simple as that and the right thing and the wrong thing to do always so clear. But I'm afraid Munn is only kidding himself. For sixteen years he has been saying "No" to life and "No" to love. You can't keep on doing that for all those years without tormenting yourself a great deal. It isn't easy to explain a man who at thirty-eight has never taken a drink, doesn't smoke. A man who has 14 never been married, but who now for the first time in his life is engaged to a girl he loves. I can't explain him. All I can do is tell you about him and let you judge for yourself. Weighing 200 pounds, he looks like one of those fat men you sometimes see in nightclubs, ogling every pretty woman who passes and telling the little blonde with him that she can have anything her li'l heart desires, if shell only be nice to him. That's what you expect of plump, jovial bachelors who've passed the thirty-five mark. But Frank Munn is a Sir Galahad with the body of a butcher. As a boy, he was just like any other chunky youngster, stealing pickles from the grocer, talking behind the teacher's back, pulling the braids of the pretty girl in front of him in school. Once he was almost arrested because he turned in a false fire alarm, and on that occasion he was soundly walloped by his father. Yet surely there must be some explanation for the fact that when love came to him, he played his hand overcautiously. And I think I know why. His mother died when he was nine days old and he was brought up by his grandmother and his father. Naturally his grandmother smothered him with cookies and kindness, and his father, just a plain, ordinary, everyday cop, smothered