Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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RADIO STARS I can reathe now Vfummy!" (Continued from page 91) aret, trapped. But when they got home, jhe said: "Paul, you shouldn't have emarrassed me before all those people by sking me why I kicked you." "But I don't want to be kicked under the able," protested Paul. There might have been a scene? If you link that there was, you don't know the irl! ! "Okay," said Margaret, "we'll drop the Jubject." But she still kicks him under the lible when it's necessary. Praying all the me that he won't ask her why ! Often a man's son by a former marriage 'imes between him and his wife. And 'aul has custody of his ten-year-old son, 'aul Jr., three months during the year, low does Margaret solve the stepmother roblcm? And how does she avoid disjreements with the boy's real mother, anda Hoff? She does it the way any oman of fineness of character and inlligence can do it, if she chooses. Originally the boy's mother thought it ould be best to send Paul Jr. to camp |>r two months out of the three during hich Paul was to have custody of the lad. nother woman would have been glad t<> ct rid of her stepson that way. But not 'largaret. She adores the boy. : "Paul," said Margaret, "if he's with his (other nine months and in camp two lonths, how will he get the benefit of pur companionship? That's even more fiportant than his going to camp." So she loured out a plan by which the boy could E outdoors during the summer and still Kt to know his father. Paul Jr. would live breakfast and dinner with his father, lid they would hire a boy who could swim ,'id play golf to spend the day outdoors ith Paul when Paul Sr. was busy with pS work. "When I tell the boy's mother ir plans for him, I'm sure she'll consent," id Margaret. She did — enthusiastically. Margaret still calls up the boy's mother henever any question about the boy's welre comes up. For instance, only last immer she refused to let young Paul ke up horseback riding until his own other consented. Are you beginning to see why Paul hiteman's marriage is a success? Of urse it isn't all due to Margaret Livigston's wise and tender handling of fery situation that comes up. Part of it l due to Paul's generosity and the many alities that make him one of the grandt guys on Broadway. But grand as he it takes a woman of extraordinary itience and common sense to make the ost of marriage to such a temperamental rsonality. * * * Paul Whiteman can be heard each mrsday at 10:00 p. m.. EST, over the flowing stations : WEAF WTAG WJAR CSH WFBR WRC YVGY WBEX YW WHO WOW WDAF WMAQ DAY WCAE WTAM WWJ WLW SD KYOO KFYR WEBC CFCF WKY TBS KTHS WTMJ WBAP KPRC OAI KOMO KOA KDYL KPO KFI GW KHQ WEEI WIBA KSTP CRCT TAR WTIC WRVA WPTF WWXC IS WJAZ WIOD WFLA WMC WSB JDX WSM WSMB WAN E Clear up snijfly little noses — help to prevent many colds, too-ivith VICKS VA-TRO-NOL THE next time you hear a sniffle in your home, mother, don't wait until it grows into a bad cold. Promptly, apply Vicks Va-tro-nol — just a few drops up each nostril. Va-tro-nol reduces swollen membranes and clears away clogging mucus. That annoying stuffiness vanishes — normal breathing through the nose again becomes easy. Especially designed for the nose and upper throat — where most colds start — Va-tro-nol aids the functions provided by Nature to prevent colds, or to throw them off in the early stages. Used at the very first sign of irritation, Va-tro-nol aids in avoiding many colds altogether. Vicks Va-tro-nol is real medication — yet is absolutely safe — for children and adults alike. And so easy to use — any time or place. Keep a bottle handy. Tlotef For Your Protection The remarkable success of Vicks drops — for nose and throat — has brought scores of imitations. The trade-mark "Va-tro-nol" is your protection in getting this exclusive Vicks formula. Always ask for Vicks Va-tro-nol. TWO GENEROUS SIZES— 30^ and 50c' // or not LADIES AMI GENTLEMEN The always infallible, never-made-an-error editorial staff of RADIO STARS stubbed its rosy little toe! It happened in our January issue. In the "Strictly Confidential" department we ran a picture of a vested choir. It was the Zion Choir — but we dubbed it The Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir. It's just one of those things. . . . You know how they happen. But henceforth we are on our old standard — 100% correct! OLIVE OIL CREAMS. Three new creations by Vi-Jonl Fine, delicate Vi-Jon Creams blended with pure, imported Olive Oil, with its soothing, nourishing effect on the skin. For amazing results, try these new Vi-Jon Olive Oil Creams. A thorouth, complete facial treatment for a few cents. Sold af the better 1 0c stores If your 10c slcre has not vet stocked Vi-Jon Olive Oil Creams, send us 10c for full size jar. State whether fa cleansing or finishing. Larger sizes at 20c and 35c. VI-JON LABORATOR I ES, 6300 Etzel Av., St. Lou 93