Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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RADIO STARS Your Iron Fairly Glides! This modern way to hot starch offers you advantages worth knowing. Simply add boiling water to dissolved Quick Elas tic— no mixing, no cooking, no bother as with lump starch. Ends stickingand scorching. Restores elasticity and that soft charm of newness. T RY THIS FREE THANK YOU i THE HUBINGER CO., No. 918, Keokuk, Iowa. ! Your free sample of QUICK ELASTIC, please, | and "That Wonderful Way to Hot Starch." Over 900,000 Satisfied Users J 35 Years in Business I Write /or FREE Cataioo %ipf FACTORY PRICES/ SALE CATALOG FREE Over 200 Styles and Sizes 01 Stoves, Ranges. Furnaces at Factory Prices and Easy Terms — as little as lift, a day. More Bargains than in 20 Big Stores New styles, new features, new colors. Year to Pay —JO days free trial— 360 days approval test — 24-hour shipments. The Kalamazoo Stove Co., M/rs 405 Rochester Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 1C inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo guaranteed. 47' (any size) and within a week you wil' receive your beautiful life-like enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage— or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus postage or send 80c and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your pnotos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS 104 S. Jefferson St. Dept. 1325-D CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR* NO NOTES NO SCALES -NO EXERCISES/ If yon can whistle. sing or hum— yon have Talent. Lei a popular radio pianist train your bands In THIRTY DAYS, TEN LESSON METHOD sent post, paid tor St. OO or pay postman 11,00 plus postage. NOTHING MORE TO BUY. Be your own TEACHER! Results Guaranteed. Accordion charts included tree. MAJOR KORD 0.?%S;f£u> Be a Nurse MAKE S25-S35 A WEEK i ' ic can learn at home in spare time. Course endorsed by physicians. Thousands of graduates. Est. 36 years. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Another saved $400 while learning. Equipment included. Men and women 18 to 60. High school not required. Ea-;y tuition payments. Write us now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 234, 26 N. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 32 sample lesson pages. Name — . City -State . -Age Programs Day by Day (Continued from page 96) TUESDAYS (Continued) \\ W.I. WKUK. \VH<\ WCAE 8:00 CST — WMAQ, WOW, WTMJ, KYW, WEBC, KSD. KVOO, WSB. WBAP. KI'HC, KSTP. WDAY. KFYR. WMC. KTBS, WOAI. (See also 12:00 Midnight EST.) :S0 EST (%) — (sham Jones and chest ra quartet. WABC. W.MAS. WKRC. WEAN. H'IJA M. WHT, WHEC, I'KI.W WFBM, WRRI ', WDOD. KLRA, wcco, KOMA, vn hw with guest stars (Chei rolct.) WADC. WOKO, WCAO. WBIG, WLBZ. WNAC, WHK. WDRC. WCAU. WFBL, WSPD. WJSV. WIJUU. WDAE. WPG, WHP, WFEA, WMBG. WIBX, WSJS. WORC. 8: SO CST — WBBM. KMBC. KMOX. W.MMR WHAS, WTOC, KRLD. KTRH, KFH. WNAX. his oranil melodeers WALA. WSFA. WMBD. KTSA. KTUL, WACO. 7:30 MST— Kt.Z, KSJ. KERN. K.M.I. KH.I, WSBT U N < iX. WREC. wuc. KWKH WMT 8:80 KOIN, WBNS, WKBW. W.I AS. WS.MK. WICC. win '..I, WKBN. WOWO, WGST. woe, KFAB. WISN. WD8U, K8CJ, Is' GKO PST— KFBK. KWG. KGB. KFRC, KDB. KOI.. KFPY KVI, KOH. 9:30 EST (%) — Eil W'ynn, comedy, Eddie Duchin's hand. (Tcvas Co.) WEAP, WTAG. W.IAR. WGY, WEEI. WJAX. WIOD. WFLA, WLW, WTAR. WTAM. WRVA. WIS, WTIC. WCSH. WBEN. WWJ. WPTF. WSOC. WFBR. WRC. WCAE. WWNC, WAVE 8:30 CST — WKBF. WMAQ, KSD. KYW. WMC. WSM. WHO. WOW. WDAF. WSB. WSMB. H'KT, WBAP, KTBS. WTMJ. WIBA KSTP. WEBC. WDAY. KFYR. W.IDX. KVOO, KTHS. WOAI. KPRC. 7:30 MST — KOA. KDYL, KGIR. KGHL, KTAR. 6:30 PST— KPO. KFI. KG W. KOMO, KHQ. KFSD. 10:011 EST (Vi) — Camel Caravan. Walter O'Keefe, Annette Hanshaw, Glen Gray's Casa Loma orchestra. (Camel CigarettesReynolds Tobacco Co.) WABC, WOKO. WNAC. WEAN. WJSV, WHP. WDBJ. WCAO. WKBW WDAE, WICC, WKRC. WHK. WQAM. WPG W I BX, WBNS. WADC. WM BR. WS.IS. WSPD, WMBG. — KGKO, WFBM, WDOD, WACO, WISN, W'M BD W N A X, KVOR. KM.I. KOIN. KFRC, KDB WDRC, WDBO, WMAS. WCAU, WFEA. CKLW, WBT, WTOC, WORC. 9:00 CST WHAS. WBBM. WOWO. WDNC, WI.BZ. WKBN. WFBL. WHEC. WJAS. WBIG. KMBC KTRH. KRLD. WCCO. KSCJ. WALA KSL, KMOX. KOMA. KFAB, WSFA, KTUL. KWKH KLZ. 7:00 KOH, K " ll WCST, WBRC. KTSA, WIBW, KLRA. WREC. WLAC. WDSU. WMT, KFH, 8:00 MST— PST — KERN. KHJ. KFBK, KGB, KFPY, KWG. KVI. and others. Nut Shilkret's 10:00 EST (1) — Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre with Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-soprano; Peggy Allenhy, Charlotte Walker, John Barclay orchestra. WRC. CRCT. WRVA, WFBR. WSOC. WEAF. WEEI, WWNC. WIOD, WGY. WCAE. CFCF WPTF. WMAQ, KFYR, KTBS, WTMJ, WSMB, —KOA. WCSH. WJAX KSD, WDAF. KPRC, WEBC, WKY. WOAI KDYL. KGIR WBEN, WTAG. WIS, WWJ. 9:00 WHO. KVOO. WMC, WKBF. WBAP, KSTP, WDAY, WSM, WSB. 8:00 MST KGHL, KTAR. WLW, WJAR. WFLA. WTAM. CST— WAPI. WAVE, WOW. WJDX. 7:00 PST — KPO, KHQ. KFSD. 10:30 EST (V») — Captain Dohhsies' Joy. Horace Heidts' Orchestra, artWarner Corp.) WABC. WBT. WCAH. WCAO, WFBL. WHK. WJAS, WKRC, WMBG. WDRC. WKBW WOKO, KLRA. WBBM WHAS, WNAX, KSO. 7:30 KHJ. KOIN WKLW. KFI, KGW, KOMO. Ship of (Stew WCAU, WJSV, WNAC, 9:30 CST — KFAB, KMBC. KMOX. WBRC, WCCO, WISN. WLAC. WREC. 8:30 PST — KFPY. KOL. KVI. KRLD. KTUL. WDSU, WGST. WOC, WMBR. .MST— KVOR. KFRC, KGB. 11:00 EST <%) — Amos 'n' Andy. (For stations see Monday. See also 7:00 P.M. EST.) 11:00 EST (%) — Myrt & Marge. (For stations see Monday. See also 7:00 P.M. EST.) 11:30 EST (y2) — Leo Reisman's orch. with Phil Duey. (Phillip Morris.) 9:30 MST — KOA, KTAR. KGHL. KGIR. KDYL 8:30 PST— KFSD, KPO, KFI, KGW, KOMO. KHQ. (See also 8:00 P.M. EST.) 12:00 Midnight EST (%> — Buoyant Ben Bernie and his orch. (Pabst.) 10:00 MST — KOA 9:00 PST — KPO, KFI. KOMO. KHQ. KGW. WEDNESDAYS (March 6th. 13th, 20th and 27th.) 5:45 EST <!4) — Little Orphan Annie. (See Mondav same time for stations.) .->:(-, EST (%)— The Ivory Stamp Club with Cupt. Tim Ilealy — stamp and advent WTIC. WTAG. WEEI, WJ WFBR. WRC. WGY. WB WTAM, WWJ 4:45 CS KSD. WHO. WOW. WD WIBA. KSTP, WEBC. KYW WEAF. WCSH. WCAH. WMAQ WTMJ. 6 :00 EST (V4) — Buck Rogers. Sketches Imaginary adventures in 25th century. (For stations see Monday.) 6:15 EST (>/4)— Kohl» Benson. (For stations see Monday.) 6:15 EST ('/,)— Tom Mix. Western lira" for children. (Ralston.) (For stations see Monday.) 6:30 EST (U£)—"T\u Shallow." (I)elaw Lackawanna Si Western Coal Co.) WABC. WCAO. WORC. WCAU, WBf WEAN. WFBL. WHEC. WKBW. WA WJSV. WOKO 6:45 EST — Little Orphan Annie. IS.-. Monday same lime for stations) 6:45 EST (>/4) — Lowell Thomas. (For stations see Mondays.) 6:15 EST ('/,)— Billy Batrhelor. 8m Town Sketches. (For stations see Monday.) 7:00 EST <V4)— Amos V Andy. (For stations see Monday.) 7:00 EST OA)— Myrt and Marge. (For stations see Monday. See 11:00 P.M. EST.) 7:15 EST (Vi)— "Just Plain Bill." Sketch of small town barber. (For stations see Monday.) 7:15 EST <»/,) — Plantation Echoes — W ilia Kohison and His Deep Ri\er Orchesl Soot hernaires Male Quartet. WJZ. WBAL. WMAL. WBZ. WB WSYR. WHAM. KDK A, WJR, WC 6:15 CST— WENR, KWCR. KSO, K KOIL. 7:30 EST (»/4) — Buck Rogers. Sketches imaginary adventures in the 25th tur> . (For stations see Monday.) 7:30 EST <V4)— "Red Davis." Drama sketch. (For stations see Monday.) 7:30 EST (>/»> — Silver Dust Presents "T O'Neills," Dramatic Sketch with Ka McComh, Jack Kuhin, Jane West Aee McAlister, and Jimmy Tan (Gold Dust Corp.) WAI'.c. WOKO, WCAO. WGR WDR WCAU, WJAS, WFBL, WJSV, WI WHEC, WMAS, WWVA. WORC 7:45 EST ('/») — "Uncle Ezra's Radio 8 tion "E-Z-R-A" with Pat Barrett, C Soubier. Carleton Guy, Nora Cunn~ and others. (Dr. Miles Laboratories.) WEAF, WBEN, WTAG. WEEI, WJA WCAE. WRC, WCSH, WGY, WTA WSAI. 6:45 CST — WMAQ, WOW WDAF, KYW. 7:45 EST (i/i) — Boake Carter. (Philco dio Corporation.) (For stations see Monday.) 7:45 EST (>4> — Dangerous Paradise — matic sketch starring Elsie Hitz an Nick Dawson. (John H. Woodburv, Inc. WJZ, WGAR, WBAL, WJR, " WLW WMAL. WBZ. WBZA, WSYR, WHA" 6:45 CST — WKY, WFA/ KTBS, WENR, KWCR, KSO WREN, KOIL, WSM, WSE KDKA KVOO, KWK. WSMB. 8:00 EST iVt) — Diane and Her Life Saver Khoda Arnold and Alfred Drake, vocal ists; Lucile Wall and John Driggs dr matic cast. Meyer Davis' orchestra. (Lif savers, Inc.) (For stations see Monday same time.) 8:00 EST (%) — Mary Pickford and Com pany. Lou Silvers, musical director Thomas Belviso, orchestra director (Standard Brands, Inc.) WEAF, WTIC. WEEI, WFBR, WWJ WCKY. WPTF. WRVA, WJAX, WCSH, WRC, WSAI, CFCF, WWNC WIOD. WGY. WBEN, WCAE, WTAM WTAG. CRCT, WIS, WFLA. 7:00 CS — KSD, WOW, WDAF, KYW, WFA WIBA. KSTP, WHO, WMAQ, WMC WSMB. KVOO, WOAI, WSB. WTMJ WEBC, WKY, WDAY, KFYR, WJDX WAVE, KTBS, WSM. KPRC. 6:00 MS — KOA, KDYL, KTAR. 5:00 PST— KPO KGW. KOMO, KHQ. KFI. 8:00 EST (%) — Penthouse Party. Mar Hellinger and Gladys Glad, Peggy Flynn comedienne; the Travelers Quartet: Era Coleman's Orchestra and guest artist (Ritchie & Co.) WJZ. WBAL. WHAM, WMAL. WBZ WBZA, WSYR. KDKA, WGAR. WJR WLW. 7:00 CST — WLS, KWCR. KSO KWK. WREN, KOIL. 8:15 EST (%)— "The Human Side of th News." Edwin C. Hill. (For stations see Mondav same time.) 8:30 EST (V2) — Broadway Varieties. Ev erett Marshall, baritone and master ceremonies; Victor Arden's orchestra Guest stars. (Bi-So-Dol.) WABC, WCAO. CKLW, WJSV, WADC WOKO, WDRC, WEAN, WFBL, WSPD WNAC. WGR. WCAU. WBT. WKRC WHK, WJAS. 7:30 CST — WBBM, WFBM (Continued on page 100) 98