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Sensational "Bite-Test" Exposes GRITTY FACE POWDERS!
Kilocycle Quiz
(Continued from pat/e 7)
(Here are the Kilocycle Quiz Answers, heck with these for the correct angers.)
1. Rosemary and Priscilla Lane
2. Tony Won*.
3. Charlie Marshall.
4. Warren Hull, who is on these programs : Gibson Family, Vieks Open 1 House, Phillip Morris, Log Cabin Syrup. Fred Allen's Town Hall Tonight, and General Foot! Kitchen of the Air.
5. Helen Jepson.
6. Ray Noble.
7. $1,783,800.
8. Patti, who is 17.
9. Phil Spitalny and his all-girl vocal and instrumental ensemble.
0. Bernadine Flynn and Art Van Harvey, better known as Vic and Sade.
1. Jack Fulton.
12. Chopin's Nocturne in E Flat.
3. Jack Smart.
4. Forty-two. Burgess Meredith. Yes.
California. Her voice, represented Jenny Lind in the picture "The Mighty Barnum."
Here Are the Answers
(Continued from page 81)
active part in furnishing the broadst entertainment, they will be pertted to give their names." Snoop: Well, I miss them, anyhow. ;ep. I can't help believing Jack Arid is really married to either Myrt or arge. Is he?
Peep: Don't believe everything you ar on the air. He's not married to her.
Snoop: Well how about Betty and )b? Are they actually married to each her?
Peep: Oh. my gracious, no! You old ttchmaker! Don't you ever read Un:'s column5 He's said about a huned times they aren't. Goodness, itryone's leaving. I guess they had ;ir question-bee while we stood here ssiping!
Heard in Passing
Puestioned recently as to his antecedents, •tt Soubier, leading man of "The First ■ghter" and endman of the Sinclair Greater 'utrels, admitted that his name really »n't Soubier — it's Sourbeer. He was born ' Homilton, Ontario, and insists that they H neighbors named Staleale and Bitter*•! Well, well! Not three-point-two. «ier, we'll woger!
"7 Dropped the Box, I was so Horrified", Writes One Woman/
BEHIND many a case of sore and irritated skin, behind many a case of dry and coarse skin, lies gritry face powder!
That face powder that looks so smooth to your eye and feels so smooth to your skin, it may be full of grit— tiny, sharp particles that are invisible to the eye but instantly detectable to the teeth.
You can't go on rubbing a gritty face powder into your skin without paying for it in some way. Maybe some of the blemishes with which you are wrestling now are due to nothing less than a gritry face powder. Find out! Ascertain whether the powder you are now using is grit-free or not.
Make This Telling Test!
Take a pinch of your powder and place it between your front teeth. Bring your teeth down on it and grind firmly. If there is any trace of grit in the powder it will be as instantly detectable as sand in spinach.
More than a million women have made this test in the past year as advised by Lady Esther. And thousands of them have written in in righteous indignation over their findings. One woman was so horrified she dropped the powder, box and all, on the floor !
There is one face powder you can be sure contains no grit. That is Lady Esther Face Powder. But satisfy yourself as to that— and at Lady Esther's expense! Your name ano address will bring you a liberal supply of all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. Pur it to the "bite-test". Let your teeth convince you that it is absolutely grit-free, the smoothest powder ever touched to cheek.
Make Shade Test, Too!
UTien you receive the five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder try them all for shade, too. Did you know thar the wrong shade of face powder can make you look five to ten years older?
Ask any stage director. He will tell you that one type of woman has to have one light while another has to have another or else each will look years older. The same holds for face powder shades. One of five shades is the perfect shade for every woman. Lady Esther offers you the five shades for you to find out which is the one for you !
Mail the coupon now for the five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder. Lady Esther, Evanston. 111.
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2010 Ridge Ave.. Evanston. 111.
I want to make the "bite-test" and the shade test. Please send me all five shades of Lady Esther Face Powder postpaid and free.
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