Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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RADIO STARS Now lift off o V5 AND STOP PAIN INSTANTLY Just put a few drops of Freezone on that aching corn tonight and you'll make the wonderful discovery many thousands have made. Pain stops like a flash. And soon the corn get s so loose you can lift it right off with your fingers. You'll agree that it's the quickest, easiest way to stop pain and get rid of hard and soft corns, even coi ns between the toes. Any druggist will sell you a bottle of wonderful Freezone for a few cents. Try it. FREEZONE Eczema TORMENTS /^Jp^ quickly pacified. For efficient help Wuse concentrated ^jffiMWN^I POslAWI RILL THE HAIR ROOT My method positively prevents hair from growing again. Safe, easy, permanent. Use it privately, at home. The delightful relief will bring happiness, freedom of mind and greater success. Backed by 35 years of successful use all over the world. Send 6c in stamps TODAY for Illustrated Booklet. We teach Beauty Culture. O. J. Mahler Co., De->t. 36 E. Providence. R. I. flttai BEAUTY and PERSONALITY Danish them with DESINEVI. a Safe. Simple whome Remedy —Enclose 3 cent Stomp f&n HoohJet ••' ''Dr. C.L.ALLEN • BoxS/9-4 DeotA ■ MEMPHIS. Tehn. romance ! There's a subtle allurement in this exquisite odeur. And RADIO GIRL Perfume and Face Powder have added charm for the thrifty modern girl who loves nice things — they cost so little! RADIO GIRL Face Powder, made in smart, new blending shades, has the same delightful odeur as Radio Girl Perfume. Use this COUPON for FREE SAMPLES — — "Radio Girl", Saint Paul, Minnesota Send me FREE Regular Size Radio Girl Perfume and Trial Size Radio Girl Face Powder. I enclose ioc (coin or^ stamps) for cos: of mailing. (Offer good in U.S. only.) Name , Address 98 Programs Day by Day (Continued from page 96) TUESDAYS (Continued) WFBM, KMBC. K.MOX. W.MHR. w Kite. WHAS, KULD, KTRH, KFH, WXAX, WLAC, KWKH \V M T. WSFA, KTSA, \VAC( l, KSL. KOIN, K I'I'V. 9:3(1 1ST H'TI » \ tt'XOX, WHKC, WDSU, KSCJ, KiiKu. 7:80 MST woe, K IA I!, WITH, KOMA. SVIBW, WGST. WOOD. Kl.ltA. WAI.A. WMBD, KTUL. KLZ, KM. I KM. I. KDB, KOI.. 0:80 PST KERN KKUK, KGB, Kl''!l( KWG, KVI. KOH. iVi) — Ed Wyiin, comedy, K«i<ii« Ducliin's hand. (Texas Co.) WBAF, wtag, wjar. wgy. wf.i.i. W.IAX. WIOD, WFLA, WIW, WTAR WTAH, WRVA, WIS. WTIC. WCSH. WHEN, WWJ, WPTF, WSOC, WFBR WRC. WCAE. WWNC. WAVE. 8:30 CST WKBF. WMAQ. KSD. KYW, W.MC. WSM, WHO. WOW. WDAF, WSB. WS.MB, WKY. WBAP, KTBS, WTM.I. WIBA KSTP. WEBC. WDAY. KFYR. WJDX, KVOO, KTHS. WOAI. KPRC 7 ::',() MST-KOA. KDYL. KGIR. KOHL, KTAR. 6:30 PST— KPO. KFI. KG \V. KOMO, KHQ, KFSD. 0:011 V.ST (',;.) — Camel Caraoin. Walter O'Kcctr. Annette 1 1 a n s h a w , Glen Gray'i ( usa l.oina orchestra. (Camel Cigarettes\U \ nohls Tobacco Co. I WABC, WOKO. WNAC, WEAN, WJSV, WHP. WDBJ. WCAO. WKHW WDAE, wire, WKRC. WHK, WQAM. \N I ■< ; wi HX. WHNS, WADC. WMBB, WSJS, WSPD, WM Bi ;. -Kl ; KO. wdrc, \v I >l'.l >. W.MAS. WCAE, WFEA. CKLW. WBT. Wl'ui'. WORC. 9:00 CST WHAS. WBIiM, WOWO WDNC. WI.BZ, WKHX, WFBL. WlllvC W.IAS. WBIG, WFBM. KMBC. K.MOX, WGST, WI'.l'.i'. WDOD, KTRH. KOMA. KTSA, WIBW. WACO. KRLD. KFAB. KLRA, WREC. W< 'CO, WSFA. WLAC. WDSU. WMBD, KSCJ. KTUL. WMT. KFH. WNAX. WALA. KWKH. 8:00 MST — KVOR, KSL, KLZ. 7:00 PST— KERN. K.M.I. KOIN. KoH. Kll.l. KFBK. KGB. KFHC. Kill!. Kn[.. KFPY, KWG. KVI. 10:00 KST (1) — Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre with Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-soprano: John Barclay and others. Al Goodman's orchestra. WEAF, WEEI, WRC. WLW. WWNC. WIOD, WJAR. WGY, WCAE. WFI.A, CFCF, WCSH. WTAM, WI'TF, W.IAX. CST— WMAQ. WAPI. KFYR. WAVE. KTBS, WOW. W T.M.I. WJDX. WSMB. 8:00 MST Kl A KTAR. 7:00 KOMO. KHQ. KSD. WDAF. KPRC. WEBC, WKY, KDYL, PST — KPl ' KFSD WBEN, WTIC, CRCT, WTAG. WRVA. WIS. WFBR. WWJ, WSOC 0:00 WHO. KVOO, W.MC. WKBF. WBAP. KSTP. WDAY, WOAI, KGIR. KFI. WSM. WSB KGHL, KGW, Ship of 10:30 KST (>4) — Captain Dobbsles Joy. (StewartWarner Corp.) WABC, WBT, WCAO. WGR. CKLW, WBNS, WCAU, WDRC, WHK, WJAS. WJSV, WKRC, WMBG. WNAC, WOKO. 9:30 CST — KFAB, KLRA. KMOX. KRLD. WFBM. WCCO, KTSA. KTl'L. WBBM. AVBRC, WCCO, WDSU. WGST, WHAS. WLAC. WOC. WMBR. WNAX, WREC. 8:30 MST— KLZ, KSL 7:30 PST— KFPY, KFRC, KERN. K.MJ. KFBK. KDB. KWG. KGB. KHJ. KOIN. KOL. KVI. 11:00 EST (V*) — Amos 'n' Andy. (For stations see Monday. See also 7:00 P.M. EST. i 11:00 EST (*4) — Myrt & Marge. (For stations see Monday. See also 7:00 P.M. EST.) 11:30 EST (V2) — Leo Reisman's orch. with Phil Duey. (Phillip Morris.) 9:30 MST — KOA. KTAR. KGHL. KGIR, KDYL 8:30 PST — KFSD, KPO, KFI, KGW, KOMO. KHQ. (See also 8:00 P.M. EST.) 12:00 Midnight EST (y2) — Buoyant Ben Bernie and his orch. (Pabst.) 10:00 MST — KOA. 9:00 PST — KPO. KFI, KOMO. KHQ, KGW. WEDNESDAYS (April 3rd. 10th, 17th and 24th) 5:45 EST (%) — The Ivory Stamp Club with Capt. Tim Healy. WEAF, WTIC. WTAG, WEEI, WJAR. WCSH. WFBR, WRC, WGY, WBEN. WCAE, WTAM, WWJ. 4:45 CST — WMAQ, KSD. WHO. WOW. WDAF. WTMJ. WIBA. KSTP. WEBC, KYW. 6:45 EST (%) — Lowell Thomas. (For stations see Mondays.) 7:00 EST (i/j) — Amos 'n' Andy. (For stations see Monday.) 7:00 EST (%)— Myrt and Marge. (For stations see Monday. See also 11:00 P.M. EST.) 7:15 EST (%) — "Just Plain Bill." (For stations see Monday.) 7:15 EST (%) — Plantation Echoes — Willard Robison and His Deep River Orchestra. Southernaires Male Quartet. WJZ. WBAL. WMAL. WBZ. WBZA, WSYR. WHAM. KDKA, WJR, WCKY, 6:15 CST — WENR, KWCR, KSO, KWK, WJSV WH1 WORC. KOIL 7:30 KST <'/4)— "Red Da\is." (For Rtatlona nee Monday.) 7:30 KST C/i) — silw-r l)u»l Presents "Tl O'Neill*/ with Kate McComh, Jai Rubin, Jam \\ est and lee Mi Xllste anil Jimmy Tansey. (Gold Diisi ( or|i WABC. WOKO, WCAO. WGR. WI>k' WCAU, WJAS. WFBL, WHEC. WMAS, WWVA, 7:30 KST C/i) — Kasy Aces. WEAF and network. 7:15 KST (%) — "Uncle Ezra's Radio St; tion "K-/.-K-A." For stations see Monday same time. 7:15 KST (>/j) — Hoake Carter. (Philco It; ilio Corporation.) (For stations see Monday.) 7:15 KST ('/,) — Dramatic sketch shirrir. Klsic Hit/ and Nick Dawson. (John I \\ oodhury, Inc.) For stations see Monday same time. A H:(I0 KST <"/,) — Diane and Her Life Save (For stations see Monday same time.) 'i K:ini KST P/i) — One Man's Family. WEAF and network. 8:15 KST ('/,)— Kdwin C. Hill. (For stations see Monday same time. 8:30 KST ('/^—Broadway Varieties. K. crett Marshall, baritone and master i ceremonies ; Victor Arden's orchestra Guest stars. (Bi-So-Dol.) WABC, WCAO, CKLW. WJSV. WADC WOKO. WDRC. WEAN. WFBL. WSPI WNAC, WGR. WCAU, WBT. WKR( WHK. W.IAS. 7:30 CST — WBBM, WFBJ WOWO, KMBC, WHAS, K.MOX, KER> KRLD. WCCO, WLAC. WDSU. KOM/ WIBW. 6:30 MST— KLZ, KSL. 5:f PST— KM J. KHJ, KOIN. KFBK, KGl KFRC. KDB. KOL. KFPY. KWG, KV 8:30 KST (V4) — "Lanny's Log Cabin Inn' Lanny Ross. Harry Salter's orchestn (Log Cabin Syrup.) WJZ. WBAL. WMAL. WHAM, WCKT W SYR. KDKA. WGAR, WJR 7:30 CS , — WLS. KWCR. KSO, WREN, KOIL. j 8:30 KST (%) — Lady Ksther Serenad. Wawie King and his orchestra. WJAR. WTAM. WTIC, WTAf WBEN, WWJ, WSAI. 7:30 WMAQ, KSD, KPRC, KTBS. WHO, WDAF, WRC. WG1 CST — WFBF WSB. KYW KTHS. WOA WKY. WM( WEAF. WCSH, WCAE, WKBF, WFAA. WOW. WSMB. 0:00 KST (Vi) — Lily Pons with Andre Ko» telanetz's orchestra. (Chesterfield.) (For stations see Monday same time. 9:00 EST (1) — Town Hall Tonight. Fre Allen, comedian and Portland lloffa Songsmith Quartet ; Lennie Hayton's or chestra and others. (Bristol-.Mvers Co. WEAF, WJAR, WRC, WTAM, WFU W.IAX, WRVA, WLW. WCAE, WCSI WGY, WWJ. WIOD. WPTF. WTAC WFBR. WBEN, WIS. WTIC. WEE 8:00 CST — WMAQ. WOW. WSB. KYW WHO. KSTP (WFAA off 9:45). KSI WTMJ. WSM, KVOO, WEBC. WDAP WSMB, KPRC, WOAI, KTBS. WMC WKY. (See also 12:00 midnight EST.) 9:00 EST (y2> — Warden E. Law es in 20,00 Years in Sing Sing. Dramatic skctcl^ Thomas Belviso, orchestra director (William R. Warner Co.) WJZ. WMAL, WBZA, WJR, WBAI WCKY, WBZ, WSYR. WHAM, KDKA 8:00 CST — WKBF. KWCR. KSC WREN, KOIL. 7:00 MST— KOA 6:00 PST— KPO, KFI, KGW KHQ. WLS. (y2) — Burns and Allen, come Dolan's orchestra. (Genera WGAR KWK. KDYL. KOMO. 9:30 EST dians, Bobby Cigar Co.) WABC. WADC WDAE. WDRC, WBIG, WSPD, KFAB, WCCO KTSA. WQASi WCAL WOKC WKRC WBZA WHA5I KOII WREN WCAO, WJSV. WNAC, CKLW, WORC WEAN. WKBW, WFBL, WHK. WJAS, WBT. 8:30 CST — KMBC KSCJ. WFBM. KMOX. WBBM WOWO, KOMA. KRLD. KTRH WDSU. 7:30 MST— KLZ, KSL 6:30 PST — KFPY, KFRC. KGB, KHJ KOIN, KERN, KM J, KFBK, KDB KOL, KWG. KVI. 9:30 EST (y2) — John Charles Thomas, bari tone. (Wm. R. Warner Co.) WJZ. WBAL, WMAL. WBZ. WSYR, KDKA. WGAR. WJR. WCKY. 8:30 CST — WENR WKBF. KWCR. KSO, KWK. 7:30 MST — KOA, KDYL. 6:30 PSTKFI, KGW, KOMO, KPO, KHQ 10:00 EST (%) — Jimmy Fidler, Hollywod Gossip. (George W. Luft Co.-Tangee Lip stick.) WJZ. WBAL. WMAL. WBZ, WBZA WSYR. WHAM. KDKA. WGAR. WJR WCKY. 9:00 CST — WENR, KWCR, KSC WREN. KOIL. 8:00 MST — KOA, KDYI 7:00 PST — KPO, KFI, KGW. KOMC KHQ. 10:00 EST (y2) — Guy Lombardo and hi Royal Canadians. Ricardo Cortez, nai rator. (Plough, Inc.) WEAF, WTIC. WGY. WRVA. WTAF WTAM, WPTF, WJAX. WTAG. WEEI (Continued on page 100)