Radio stars (Oct 1934-Sept 1935)

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r if MARY ? hey find friendship sweet oured pale gold on the sidewalks, and even indoors nere was sunlight spilling itself all over everything, "onrad, with a party of friends, came into a little inchroom near the studio and they sat down at one if the tables. Near them sat a girl, sipping an iceream soda. [ "Why, Mary," said Conrad, his voice elaborately :isual, "what have you been doing to yourself? A'here did you get that grand tan?" i "Horseback riding," laughed Mary. "Didn't you now I was the original tomboy? But you've got uite a tan, yourself. Where did you get yours — nder a sun lamp?" I "Oh, no," demurred Conrad, "mine is just as ermine as yours. I got mine at the beach — at the ido." And so they sat there and talked commonplaces. ;ut try as they might to be casual, there suddenly as the beating of magic wings in that little lunch>om. For they were discovering that they were some enchanted way, although altogether different om each other, strangely akin. That sounds rather paradoxical, doesn't it? But think I can explain it, for I know both Mary and onrad. Conrad is by birth and nature what Mary lis been striving to be all her life. Brought up to | a clinging vine, Mary never really fitted into the tttern, and strove all her life to break away from and fight for the independence which she felt was ht due as a human being. Until a year or two \'P, except for occasional (Continued on page 89) A native of Maryville, Tennessee, Mary CourHand now is a New Yorker. 606 $15 0 0.00 worth 4 5250 in Cosh! f^or that vacation) 3 RCA Radfos ('ney're the tops) 100 $5.00 PriXes (a HHIb green hat) 500 $1.00 Prizes (how can you lose?) wJT '"ow your rod,° «-•-» ScnmtM S>°" rtoZ, I this issue. Please turn the Page